Found this, very interesting in that it is: 109 pages of analysis which really dissects doping on the teams of U.S. Postal Service, Rabobank, Deutsche Telekom, and Cofidis. Apparently it came out online two months ago, and I don't see it having been cited on CN forums yet.
Thus far I'm not really impressed with the conclusions of the thesis, but the data and the case-by-case analysis of every cyclist on the teams, that is definitely impressive. And could be future fodder for discussion.
A lot of the work toward a comprehensive view has been done by this author
Thus far I'm not really impressed with the conclusions of the thesis, but the data and the case-by-case analysis of every cyclist on the teams, that is definitely impressive. And could be future fodder for discussion.
A lot of the work toward a comprehensive view has been done by this author
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