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Meeting up in Person

I've ragged a bit on anonymous haters who send me their rape-fantasies but do so using pseudonyms. I still think that's lame, but if anyone wants to meet-up and go for a ride, I'm happy to set some time aside during these last few weeks (of warm weather) to make an easy pedal for an hour or two. Just PM me.
Jul 29, 2010
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joe_papp said:
I've ragged a bit on anonymous haters who send me their rape-fantasies but do so using pseudonyms. I still think that's lame, but if anyone wants to meet-up and go for a ride, I'm happy to set some time aside during these last few weeks (of warm weather) to make an easy pedal for an hour or two. Just PM me.

Wow, what an offer! Wish I lived near ya --I'd be honored to buy you dinner after the ride.

Sorry about the idiotic emails, Joe. You're a good guy, and you have my respect for walking your current path with honesty and dignity! Sending you good vibes...

Cheers to you, Joe!
Bike Opera said:
Wow, what an offer! Wish I lived near ya --I'd be honored to buy you dinner after the ride.

Sorry about the idiotic emails, Joe. You're a good guy, and you have my respect for walking your current path with honesty and dignity! Sending you good vibes...

Cheers to you, Joe!

Cool, and no worries. I just figure the best way to counter the pettiness and sniping is to be friendly, honest and open. And maybe go mtb'ing, too! ;)
Aug 4, 2009
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joe_papp said:
I've ragged a bit on anonymous haters who send me their rape-fantasies but do so using pseudonyms. I still think that's lame, but if anyone wants to meet-up and go for a ride, I'm happy to set some time aside during these last few weeks (of warm weather) to make an easy pedal for an hour or two. Just PM me.

I would join you but its the 20,000 killometers to get there that is stoping me its winter here so would love a warm ride Today I need to dress up like the abonable snow man before going out white frost 2 deg
but we all know them easy rides never happen


Apr 28, 2010
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joe_papp said:
I've ragged a bit on anonymous haters who send me their rape-fantasies but do so using pseudonyms. I still think that's lame, but if anyone wants to meet-up and go for a ride, I'm happy to set some time aside during these last few weeks (of warm weather) to make an easy pedal for an hour or two. Just PM me.

Damn, Joe that is a fantastic offer. If I would be in the states I would likely oblige, but too bad I'm in Europe, where the weather is complete crap :(
May 20, 2010
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Yeah, Joe I'm afraid the distance is too great for us to go for a spin as well.

However, I have to say I admire you for coming clean and thank you for elucidating things which in my experience in professional cycling had left me deeply troubled as well as questioning myself. It all makes perfect sense.

If you ever come to Wellington, drop me a line and we can discuss realpolitik while pedaling.

All the best,
Mike Anderson
Jul 17, 2009
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joe_papp said:
I've ragged a bit on anonymous haters who send me their rape-fantasies but do so using pseudonyms. I still think that's lame, but if anyone wants to meet-up and go for a ride, I'm happy to set some time aside during these last few weeks (of warm weather) to make an easy pedal for an hour or two. Just PM me.

dude I am with you and bring on all the chest pounding mods with a minute head start. totally down for some of that action

May 6, 2009
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I'll get my act together and make it to the Classics next year and take on Scott in the 260km RVV ride. Loser has to buy the copious amounts of Belgian beers.
Alpe d'Huez said:


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