Cycle Sport magazine October 2006 edition. Bored last night and took it out. It was titled the clean issue as a result of Operation Puerto and Floyd testing positive. All articles were doping related and a number of 'clean' riders were interviewed.
Basso:"I've never used doping and I'm convinced I;m absolutely innocent."
Basso's laywer: "There is not a single document that proves Basso's involvement."
Riis: "I don't see a future for Ivan on the team unless he can prove to me that he has never had anything to do with Dr Fuentes." (Frank Schleck??)
Allen rice cakes Lim - defends Floyd
"Lim said that Floyd's lack of an organised, well thought out response 'points to his honesty in a sense.'
"I do know that there have been issues raised with the test in the past." Factors such as 'alcohol consumption, dehydration, competitive stress, and the fact that mistakes may have been made in handling his sample."
Bradley Wiggins:
"Amazing rides are possible but you don't get up the next day and do the same. That's the big thing I can't get my head around. I did the TT at Rennes and I rode as hard as I could. The next day I was completely empty and that was after one hour of effort. Perhaps that's how it should be for everyone." Contrast these words with Bradley's today and what he said about Vino after the Albi TT in '07.
Michael Barry reveals "how he stays on the ride side of the fence as regards doping". Whilst wearing Discovery kit.
Lies, lies and hypocrisy.
Basso:"I've never used doping and I'm convinced I;m absolutely innocent."
Basso's laywer: "There is not a single document that proves Basso's involvement."
Riis: "I don't see a future for Ivan on the team unless he can prove to me that he has never had anything to do with Dr Fuentes." (Frank Schleck??)
Allen rice cakes Lim - defends Floyd
"Lim said that Floyd's lack of an organised, well thought out response 'points to his honesty in a sense.'
"I do know that there have been issues raised with the test in the past." Factors such as 'alcohol consumption, dehydration, competitive stress, and the fact that mistakes may have been made in handling his sample."
Bradley Wiggins:
"Amazing rides are possible but you don't get up the next day and do the same. That's the big thing I can't get my head around. I did the TT at Rennes and I rode as hard as I could. The next day I was completely empty and that was after one hour of effort. Perhaps that's how it should be for everyone." Contrast these words with Bradley's today and what he said about Vino after the Albi TT in '07.
Michael Barry reveals "how he stays on the ride side of the fence as regards doping". Whilst wearing Discovery kit.
Lies, lies and hypocrisy.