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Mysteries in life that intrigue you?

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Oct 6, 2009
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BroDeal said:
The only good thing that can be said about Monster Quest is that it is much much better than UFO Hunters. Neither show solves jack squat. Monster Quest basically gives a summary of a legendary creature along with some very sketchy "evidence" pointing to its existence. Said evidence often consists of a redneck who might have seen it in between six packs.

UFO Hunters takes the cake when it comes to giving weight to the flimsiest of evidence while pretending the investigation is based on science. I thought TV had hit rock bottom until I recently caught an episode of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory.

There are a whole bunch of Ghost Hunter, Ghost Lab, etc shows that do this too. The funniest one is Ghost Hunters International, where they go into these reportedly haunted castles in Europe and central Asia and continually order - in English - the ghost to show himself, and then produce a supposed captured voice phenomenon of said ghost saying spooky things - again in very good modern English. Usually the ghost just says something along the lines of "get out," which I guess means that even the dead have no patience for obnoxious American tourists.
Mar 18, 2009
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Buffalo Soldier said:
elapid said:
I thought the link between humans and other primates was still rather clear (not less clear than for example the link between bonobo & gorilla)? But indeed there are still some holes so be filled.

Check out this from the National Geographic: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/10/091001-oldest-human-skeleton-ardi-missing-link-chimps-ardipithecus-ramidus.html

The authors say "There was never a chimp-like missing link between humans and today's apes, according to an October fossil-skeleton study that could rewrite human evolutionary history."
May 18, 2009
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Buffalo Soldier said:
Biggest mystery for me: beginning of the universe, what caused the big bang?

I was watching yesterday how the Rockies and the Grand Canyon was formed over millions of years due to plate techtonics.

I often wonder what religious nuts think when they see this type of stuff on TV. Kinda shoots holes in their book. Any people with cloud friends want to chime in here and enlighten me? Thanks.

Bro Deal - I haven't read Bugliosi's book.....

- Please explain how an object falls towards the direction of the shot, as the Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head going backwards when hit. Not only does that contradict what I have witnessed thousands of times, but it also invalidates the laws of dynamics. It sure would've been nice in my duck hunting days if the ducks would've just fallen back towards me into the blind instead of me having to go tromp thru the mud to get them lol.

- Please explain how a bullet can travel thru Kennedy, thru Connelly in I believe a couple of places, breaking bones, and end up on a stretcher in the hospital totally pristine. I've done alot of hunting and it doesn't take much to deform a bullet. What a coincidence the force in the bullet dissipated just as it left his leg, found laying on a stretcher an hour later, in perfect shape. That's assinine. And, how convenient that bullet was required to make the Warren Commission case.

- Please explain why Oswald didn't take the shot when the motorcade was coming right at him, which is a much easier shot. Sport?

- Ruby "alll distraught" over JFK's death to move him to kill Oswald. That doesn't pass the smell test. The administration was cracking down on organized crime, and Ruby was in organized crime. How convenient JFK's murder never went to trial; they didn't count on the Zapruder film or it would've been perfect. Can you explain Ruby's sudden passion for the Kennedys? One could conclude Ruby's actions were part of a cover-up.

- I doubt this guy could be that accurate in that short amount of time with a bolt action rifle, on a moving target. Also, how convenient he worked in that building for a short amount of time, and his weird travels thru the years. Coincidence?

I believe Oswald was involved, but not alone. Like I said, I didn't read the book, but am curious on the answers he gives to these questions I have always wondered about....
May 18, 2009
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scribe said:
The earth is only 6000 years old. Amen

I know, satan invaded my body when typing that last post. I await the lighting bolt striking my house. I plan to repent today by drinking a 12 pack.

My favorite story is the Noah's ark thing. Can you imagine all the shyt/smell on that boat? And, were the animals drugged? What kept the lions from eating the meerkats, for example? A couple of monkeys could've stepped on a cobra and ****, no more monkeys of that brand. It would also seem to me that 2 anteaters would have eaten the 2 ants, yet I have ants in my yard every summer. WTF?

If the animals didn't eat eachother, then what did they eat for 40 days? Were they dragging around a barge full of food?

I think Noah's ark is the biggest mystery of all, but I am sure there is a logical answer.
Mar 18, 2009
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ChrisE said:
I know, satan invaded my body when typing that last post. I await the lighting bolt striking my house. I plan to repent today by drinking a 12 pack.

My favorite story is the Noah's ark thing. Can you imagine all the shyt/smell on that boat? And, were the animals drugged? What kept the lions from eating the meerkats, for example? A couple of monkeys could've stepped on a cobra and ****, no more monkeys of that brand. It would also seem to me that 2 anteaters would have eaten the 2 ants, yet I have ants in my yard every summer. WTF?

If the animals didn't eat eachother, then what did they eat for 40 days? Were they dragging around a barge full of food?

I think Noah's ark is the biggest mystery of all, but I am sure there is a logical answer.

ChrisE said:
Bro Deal - I haven't read Bugliosi's book.....

No one has read Bugliosi's book. It is freaking huge. I have only read excerpts and skimmed parts. It is filled with every detail you ever wanted to know. Want to know the contents of Ruby's car after he was arrested; it's in there. Want to know every phone call Ruby made between the killings of JFK and Oswald; it's in there. He took twenty years to write it, and it would take twenty years to read it. Posner'ss book, published in the early 90s, is the one to read. If you ever want to get a JFK conspiracy nutter hopping mad, mention Posner. The online crackpot sites are filled with garbage "debunking" Posner by claiming he must be working for the CIA. It is comical.

ChrisE said:
- Please explain how an object falls towards the direction of the shot, as the Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head going backwards when hit. Not only does that contradict what I have witnessed thousands of times, but it also invalidates the laws of dynamics. It sure would've been nice in my duck hunting days if the ducks would've just fallen back towards me into the blind instead of me having to go tromp thru the mud to get them lol.

This is exactly the crap I am talking about. This has been debunked for decades. Literally decades. You don't have to even read a book. There have been a large number of TV shows that have filmed demonstrations. They started with mellons, sometimes wrapped in packing tape to better simulate the skull. A recent TV show employed (obligatory Australian content for elapid's sake) an Australian company to make an artificial head and neck assembly. The neck was designed to match the movement and resistance of a human neck. The head was designed to simulate a human skull and was filled with a viscous fluid designed to simulate brain matter. The head was then shot with the same type of rife used by Oswald, in the same location in the back of the head that JFK was shot, from the same angle, and from the same distance. The shot was filmed. The result, a near exact replica of what is seen in the Zapruder film. The head snapped back as a jet of artificial brain matter and skull fragments jetted out from the front of the head. You can see that spray of tissue in the Zabruder film. This is basic physics. I would think that you can find any number of videos of Youtube demonstrating this.

ChrisE said:
- Please explain how a bullet can travel thru Kennedy, thru Connelly in I believe a couple of places, breaking bones, and end up on a stretcher in the hospital totally pristine. I've done alot of hunting and it doesn't take much to deform a bullet. What a coincidence the force in the bullet dissipated just as it left his leg, found laying on a stretcher an hour later, in perfect shape. That's assinine. And, how convenient that bullet was required to make the Warren Commission case.

Again, debunked for twenty years now. The so called magic bullet was not magic at all. 3D computer modelling of the body positions using the Zabruder film have shown that the bullet travelled in a near straight line until it exited Connelly, at which point it was moving so slowly that it barely broke the skin of Connelly's leg. The bullet was not pristine. From one angle it appears to be, but viewed lengthwise it is ovalized. In addition, viewed from other angles it is somewhat bent. What is more, micro lead fragments from the bullet were found in the victims and identified as coming from the magic bullet.

Now come up with an explanation for how the "conspiracy" planted the bullet. After killing JFK, did all the conspirators hang around just in case a bullet needed to be planted on the stretcher? Did they just happen to have such a bullet? How did they know that the bullet was not lodged in JFK or Connelly? How did they know that the bullet was not in the car? It makes no sense.

ChrisE said:
- Ruby "alll distraught" over JFK's death to move him to kill Oswald. That doesn't pass the smell test. The administration was cracking down on organized crime, and Ruby was in organized crime. How convenient JFK's murder never went to trial; they didn't count on the Zapruder film or it would've been perfect. Can you explain Ruby's sudden passion for the Kennedys? One could conclude Ruby's actions were part of a cover-up.

Sure they were, and Ruby was such a good assassin that he arrived at the Oswald transfer late. The supposed mafia hitman could not even get to the event on time. If the transfer had taken place on schedule then Ruby would have missed Oswald completely. The transfer was fifteen minultes late because Oswald himself delayed it, insisting on putting on a sweater. Ruby's movements can be tracked because of a financial transactioin he made minutes before killing Oswald. This was not a guy lying in wait for a target.

Ruby was not in organized crime. He was not in the mafia. He was not a gangster.

ChrisE said:
- I doubt this guy could be that accurate in that short amount of time with a bolt action rifle, on a moving target. Also, how convenient he worked in that building for a short amount of time, and his weird travels thru the years. Coincidence?

"During his Marine Corps service in December 1956 Oswald scored a rating of sharpshooter (twice achieving 48 and 49 out of 50 shots during rapid fire at a stationary target 200 yards [183 m] away using a standard issue M1 Garand semiautomatic rifle). Although in May 1959 he qualified as a marksman (a lower classification) military experts examining his records characterized his firearms proficiency as "above average" and was, when compared to American civilian males his age, "an excellent shot." -- Wikipedia

JFK was shot from 88 yards. It was an easy shot. The magicians Penn & Teller on their TV show demonstrated just how easy it was.

Oswald's job works against the conspiracy theories. Oswald got his job before JFK was scheduled to go the Dallas. He got it before the motorcade route was decided. And he did not seek the job out. A sympathetic neighbor, if I remember correctly, got him the job.

On top of that Oswald would have killed someone else if he did not kill Kennedy. Prior to the JFK assassination, Oswald attempted to kill retired General Walker using the same rifle he used to kill JFK. The bullet hit the window framing and was deflected.

ChrisE said:
I believe Oswald was involved, but not alone. Like I said, I didn't read the book, but am curious on the answers he gives to these questions I have always wondered about....

Conspired with who? Not a shred of evidence exists that Oswald conspired with anyone. Posners book spends a large number of pages fleshing out just who Oswald was. He was a maladjusted nut, and he was like that his entire life. One of the points that Posner makes is that Oswald was so unstable that no one would want to conspire with him.
May 18, 2009
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I'll start off by saying "proof" is whatever alot of us want to believe. The contents of Bugliosi's book cannot be proven; they are probably based upon old evidence and evidence that was derived far after the fact. Did you know the Warren commission did not have an autopsy report? That, along with the fact no trial took place are just a few things that lead people to be skeptical about what the govt. tells them, along with some physical evidence people tend to believe. I can find as much "proof" on the web debunking whatever "proof" you come up with.

As for the mellon trick, and the head movement, I just watched the Australian youtube video and I come to different conclusions compared to the Zapruder film. I didn't see the fake head move backwards. And, they assumed the only other shot could come from the grassy knoll, thus killing Jackie. I never said such a thing in my original post, but they assume the autopsy done 15 years after the fact is true in terms of entry/exit wounds.

The human head is not a mellon on a string or table. I stand my my belief, proven with my own eyes and that dynamics couse I took so long ago, that energy transfer from the decelleration of the bullet into the head from the rear results in movement forward, opposite of what the Zapruder film shows. F=ma. Any momentum/force transfer acts in this manner. This isn't a statics problem where forces must be equal/opposite.

You can produce whatever documentation or studies you want and I will always be skeptical, even if what I have seen in person from years of shooting firearms is "crap", supported by the laws of physics. You and I disagree on that obviously, but whatever the argument is tiresome.....

The magic bullet broke several bones as I recall. It should not just be "ovallized". It should be mangled. The fragments you speak of are just hearsay, and just because it was written or said somewhere doesn't mean it was true. I never provided an explanation of how it got to the stretcher...I just called the "official" version bs.

Sorry, I never said Ruby was The Jackal. You produce no proof about Ruby's lack of ties to organized crime, though there is alot of evidence that says he is. Again, alot of times we believe in evidence that supports our POV and I admit that. Even a "gangster" willing to throw away his whole life by avenging the death of the most powerful lawman in the USA is ludicrous. We will never know the whole truth because of this. How convenient.

I am sure you will rant some more about how stupid those of us that don't want to believe "proof" you produce just don't get it. That is ok, but this is a circular argument and I probably won't respond to it any longer. I respect your opinion but I am not guzzling the govt. produced koolaid.

So, easy there, bro flock of bro brothers. :p

Now, explain Noah's ark.


biggest mystery in life for me, is how come you can leave a set of headphones on the table, and you come back twenty minutes later, and they have tied themselves up into completely untangleable knots..

I think it actually applies to all forms of cabling
dimspace said:
biggest mystery in life for me, is how come you can leave a set of headphones on the table, and you come back twenty minutes later, and they have tied themselves up into completely untangleable knots..

I think it actually applies to all forms of cabling

it does. i was the soundman for a small band for years, and tried to keep all cables neatly coiled at all times, but it didn't work. impossible. they tangle themselves, i think.
dimspace said:
biggest mystery in life for me, is how come you can leave a set of headphones on the table, and you come back twenty minutes later, and they have tied themselves up into completely untangleable knots..

I think it actually applies to all forms of cabling

as a professional, i find 'cable' is an word that translates into -'knots'-(sanskrit)
i have a small fold up guitar stand that will find any cable in the room and wrap
itself in said cable. the only reason i have not smashed it, it is good at holding
the guitar. so at least that. i swear it is haunted.:eek:
Did Gilligan and everyone else get off the island the second time round??

You know in the movie how they went out for a cruise in the new SS.Minnow and Gilligan pulled the magnet out of the compass and they ended up way off course and in a storm and wound up again on the island.
May 18, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Translation: No reason to bother discussing anything. Got it.

I asked for the party line in my original post. You gave it, I am skeptical because of the reasons I noted. You can't always win. ;)
Jan 5, 2010
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1.Who was behind that stockade fence in Dallas on Nov.22 1963?
2.What really transpired at Roswell?
3.How were the great pyramids NY Escort constructed?
Ponder,ponder,ponder people.No Ex-wife NY Escorts jokes allowed!
1) Nobody. There is no reasonable doubt that Oswald did not do it.
2) A crashed weather balloon.
3) Using basic ramps, levers, and winches.
"Listen, my son. Trust no one! You can count NY Asian Escorts on no one but yourself. Improve your skills, son. Harden your body. Become a number one man. Do not ever let anyone beat NY Asian Escort you!" -- Gekitotsu! Satsujin ken
Jul 22, 2009
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What an interesting bot this one is.

There might be a add feature to this forum software that doesn't allow any links to be posted until a member has 100 or more posts.
Feb 28, 2010
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