Ninety5rpm said:
Everywhere is a safe place to ride for someone who learns and practices safe traffic cycling techniques and methods. And if you think you know what that is, but can't name most of the techniques and methods, then you don't.
Obviously you have never ridden in Florida. seriously. No amount of traffic technique can save you from a driver there. i have been cycling 25 years I have ridden in maybe 30 states and a dozen foreign countries.
Florida is deadly.
Why? Retirees from NYC, it sounds like a cliche but there are alot of people who lived in NYC all their lives taking public transportation and then when their health & eyesight starts to fail they move to South Florida and buy a huge car to protect themselves when they crash.Some of these people have not driven for decades and they get a huge car and just go! Unfortunately there is no buffer because they frequently drive over the curb, if you think i am kidding you have not lived there, there is only one place worse in the world
Las Vegas.
People are in a daze, thinking about the money they just lost or dreaming about the money they will win. Then the workers getting off all-night shifts, the drunk people on vacation it is a death trap. I used to pack my car and drive an hour outside of vegas to ride.
Best place to ride in America? Gravel roads in the midwest, you can see the cars coming from the dust, if a car goes too fast 50mph the gravel acts like marbles and they end up in the ditch. It is quiet so you can hear anything a mile away(literally) and the scenery is great. I have ridden 80 miles without ever seeing a car.
the Best City is Copenhagen, they have a bike lane with a high curb to keep cars out. You see people cycling on dates, dressed up holding hands as they ride, it is a cycling culture that has respect.