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New Astana Team Doctor?


Mar 11, 2009
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Does anyone know if Team Astana will be hiring a new Team Doctor?

The current Astana Team Doctor, Dr Andrea Andreazzoli, was the Lampre Team Doctor during the Team Lampre Doping Program.

Any statements from Astana yet?
Any denials by Dr Andreazzoli?

I would think that if Dr Andrea Andreazzoli was RadioShack's new Doctor,
Mr Bordry would be having coniption fits...
Feb 14, 2010
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Polish said:
Does anyone know if Team Astana will be hiring a new Team Doctor?

The current Astana Team Doctor, Dr Andrea Andreazzoli, was the Lampre Team Doctor during the Team Lampre Doping Program.

Any statements from Astana yet?
Any denials by Dr Andreazzoli?

I would think that if Dr Andrea Andreazzoli was RadioShack's new Doctor,
Mr Bordry would be having coniption fits...

According to the website. Astana has three doctors on staff.
Team Doctors:

Yvon Sanquer has made a statement. The two riders brought over from Lampre weren't mentioned as persons of interest by La Gazzetta dello Sport. Director Sportif Guido Bontempi was mentioned in some news stories because he came from Lampre, but La Gazzetta said the investigation is looking at Fabrizio Bontempi, who is still with Lampre - some press didn't recognize the difference. Whether or not anyone who was named has actually done anything wrong is supposed to be announced by the end of May.

Few names have been confirmed thus far as part of the investigation, and so it is too early to say if any of the four risk losing their place in Astana.

However, if a link is shown to exist between these and any questionable practices, Sanquier implied that he would act decisively.

"It is true that people have been incorporated into our structure from the Lampre team, which some media have linked to the investigation of Mantua,” he told As.com. “For now, Astana's position remains neutral, as we don’t have any official notification that they are linked with doping plot, but we'll take action if it is confirmed.”

Aug 13, 2009
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Polish said:
Does anyone know if Team Astana will be hiring a new Team Doctor?

The current Astana Team Doctor, Dr Andrea Andreazzoli, was the Lampre Team Doctor during the Team Lampre Doping Program.

Any statements from Astana yet?
Any denials by Dr Andreazzoli?

I would think that if Dr Andrea Andreazzoli was RadioShack's new Doctor,
Mr Bordry would be having coniption fits...

Astana and The Hog did not seem to have an issue when their last doctor, Andreas Blum, was found to be the chief needle man at T-Mobile.

If it was not an issue last year why would it be an issue this year?


Mar 11, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Astana and The Hog did not seem to have an issue when their last doctor, Andreas Blum, was found to be the chief needle man at T-Mobile.

If it was not an issue last year why would it be an issue this year?

It is an issue this year because of the Lampre scandal.
Is Andreas Blum now at RadioShack?
Jun 23, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Astana and The Hog did not seem to have an issue when their last doctor, Andreas Blum, was found to be the chief needle man at T-Mobile.

If it was not an issue last year why would it be an issue this year?

This year they could loose Contador because in case of a doping scandal he can leave the team instantly. Team Manager Ivon Sanquer said in the press that he would act at once should a team member who has come from Lampre should be involved in the current doping affair. :mad: