Perhaps that may explain why he ruined Levi's chance to podium! The guy attacks, only to be caught by his team leader and not be able to provide any support to him on the last climb. What a waste!
I feel sorry for Levi. His personality is kind, and because of it, people trample on him. The DS for the Astana Team should be reprimanded also for allowing such a ridiculous move on such an important stage! Levi would have benefitted to have a couple riders around him. The only one that acted like a teammate was Lance.
I feel sorry for Levi. His personality is kind, and because of it, people trample on him. The DS for the Astana Team should be reprimanded also for allowing such a ridiculous move on such an important stage! Levi would have benefitted to have a couple riders around him. The only one that acted like a teammate was Lance.