Like any person who is brought charges against, Lance has the right of being presumed innocent in court, or by the judicial system. It is government's job to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that he or his backers are guilty of fraud, and if they can't do that, he isn't. You may say that O.J Simpson was guilty of murdering his wife but the after the extremely complex case that lasted for months the judicial system couldn't prove it simply because he had the best lawyers on his side who were able to poke holes on the prosecutions' claims bit by bit until the doubts multiplied.
Question is, do you think as normal people down at ground level, we should afford L.A this right to presumption of innocence and treat circumstantial evidence as just claims for now until the evidence is examined for credibility by qualified people? Would you wait for the judicial system before you make judgments or would you do it now? Personally, I already think he's dirty like most of you but I'm extremely biased in this case and all normal humans are to an extent. But you do have to understand how justice works. Every person has a right.
On a related note, I wonder if Floyd Landis is entitled to some rights as a whistleblower. This man is being severely persecuted in media across the world right now. Before taking on this extremely complex and risky step of whistling (keep in mind he has no money and nothing more to lose), I'm pretty sure he must have consulted qualified experts. So I wonder if Sarbanes-Oxley Section 806 applies to him. What do you all think?
Question is, do you think as normal people down at ground level, we should afford L.A this right to presumption of innocence and treat circumstantial evidence as just claims for now until the evidence is examined for credibility by qualified people? Would you wait for the judicial system before you make judgments or would you do it now? Personally, I already think he's dirty like most of you but I'm extremely biased in this case and all normal humans are to an extent. But you do have to understand how justice works. Every person has a right.
On a related note, I wonder if Floyd Landis is entitled to some rights as a whistleblower. This man is being severely persecuted in media across the world right now. Before taking on this extremely complex and risky step of whistling (keep in mind he has no money and nothing more to lose), I'm pretty sure he must have consulted qualified experts. So I wonder if Sarbanes-Oxley Section 806 applies to him. What do you all think?