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Random thoughts

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Nov 17, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
You might want to read the information again. He said that he transfused Levi while they were on different teams. Read more carefully.

The e-mail doesn't seem to specify one way or another. It talks about Levi after sections discussing team doping, so I guess I assumed he was talking about the same thing... but that was an assumption. My bad.
Jun 4, 2009
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Dark Wing - apologises in the first instance to you. I've used your thread "random thoughts" as 1, I didn't want to start ANOTHER thread and 2, thought that "random thoughts" as a heading was the most appropriate heading currently active...
I've been road cycling for about a year and I really enjoy it. As a result I've become interested in following it as a spectator sport through various media. I don't want to write this huge story so I'll get right to my point.....
It appears to me that professional road cycling in most corrupt sport in the world.. A vast majority of riders are on the juice, the team personnel are aware of it and the governing body is no better [bent as....]. Seems to me that it is just part of the sport [drugs].....This site even has a forum especially named "The Clinic"..
Performance enhancing drugs have been part of cycling for years and it aint gonna change.....because it's accepted....


May 6, 2010
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quadsRme said:
I agree. This had to be tough to do, but he is at ease with himself now.

He is at ease with himself?? The guy is a total scumbag. How convenient that people on here seem to forget that this is a guy who has defrauded hundreds of people out of their cash, betrayed their loyalty and basically laughed behind their back while he kept up his charade of being the innocent victim.

Is he going to pay the money back...umm I don't think so somehow so spare us the "he is at ease with himself now" bulls!t, it makes me want to vomit.

His motives for spilling the beans had little to do with consience and everything to do with vindictiveness. The proof of that is the fact that he never would have said anything if he had been given a ride in a PT team or even the ToC. A concience of convenience is what Landis has.

I find it quite amusing that here is a guy who has lied constantly for years and now when he fronts on TV and tells people that he wants to clear his concience, people flock to believe him. Why? Because he is telling them what they want to hear just like he told his fans what they wanted to hear before.

Like most liars he has probably sprinkled enough truth into his story to make it plausible. The longer this goes without corroborative evidence the less likely anyone will side with Landis, regardless of what the truth is. The obsession on this forum is with Armstrong but his allegations are far more wide ranging. The more of them that are discredited or found to be unproven the less likely people will come forward. The Swiss positive claim has already been discredited. There is the alternative of course but there will need to be some pretty solid evidence very soon or this as a news story will be blown away by other events such as the World Cup and won't rate a few lines in the media.

In Festina and Puerto we had the gear, the blood, the catch. So far we have...Floyd.
Feb 21, 2010
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SpartacusRox said:
He is at ease with himself?? The guy is a total scumbag. How convenient that people on here seem to forget that this is a guy who has defrauded hundreds of people out of their cash, betrayed their loyalty and basically laughed behind their back while he kept up his charade of being the innocent victim.

Is he going to pay the money back...umm I don't think so somehow so spare us the "he is at ease with himself now" bulls!t, it makes me want to vomit.

His motives for spilling the beans had little to do with consience and everything to do with vindictiveness. The proof of that is the fact that he never would have said anything if he had been given a ride in a PT team or even the ToC. A concience of convenience is what Landis has.

I find it quite amusing that here is a guy who has lied constantly for years and now when he fronts on TV and tells people that he wants to clear his concience, people flock to believe him. Why? Because he is telling them what they want to hear just like he told his fans what they wanted to hear before.

Like most liars he has probably sprinkled enough truth into his story to make it plausible. The longer this goes without corroborative evidence the less likely anyone will side with Landis, regardless of what the truth is. The obsession on this forum is with Armstrong but his allegations are far more wide ranging. The more of them that are discredited or found to be unproven the less likely people will come forward. The Swiss positive claim has already been discredited. There is the alternative of course but there will need to be some pretty solid evidence very soon or this as a news story will be blown away by other events such as the World Cup and won't rate a few lines in the media.

In Festina and Puerto we had the gear, the blood, the catch. So far we have...Floyd.

How shortsighted of you. How convenient that you lean on the book funds, and the plea for money for lawyers.

Did you miss the part where his best friend and father-in-law took his own life?

Ask yourself, who set the table for all of these activities? Who perpetrated the greatest sporting fraud on the world?

Place the disdain where it is deserved. It is one things to express outrage and anger toward something that has directly hurt you. Has Landis hurt you somehow? Did you max a credit card with the FFF?

Tell me, where are the folks with the yellow plastic wrist bands going to go now? Who will carry the mantle for cancer? How will it be carried from prison.

Landis was wrong. He paid a monstrous price. For those that paid alongside him, they are permitted to feel a kinship with this latest turn-around, one where the truth, perhaps, can prevail, and a new dawn might emerge. If you spent your money to assist in delivering Landis to this point, a point where his future met inevitability, then pick up a pint of the dark stuff and cheer for him.

If you must decry his name and blast his decisions, then at least do it because you hate lying. And if you hate lying, the kind where there is no chance for redemption, then you might as well figure out that Mr. Armstrong is going to prison, and take a big gulp to that.

The Americans have a saying: "Don't hate the players, hate the game"
Well, it seems Mr. Armstrong and his crew ran the game and had the ace player, and I hate both right now. Justice must be achieved.

The lies end now.
Oct 1, 2009
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SpartacusRox said:
He is at ease with himself?? The guy is a total scumbag. How convenient that people on here seem to forget that this is a guy who has defrauded hundreds of people out of their cash, betrayed their loyalty and basically laughed behind their back while he kept up his charade of being the innocent victim.

Is he going to pay the money back...umm I don't think so somehow so spare us the "he is at ease with himself now" bulls!t, it makes me want to vomit...

Yes, Floyd took people's money and betrayed their loyalty. But I don't think he was laughing behind anyone's back. He was desperate like we can't imagine and did some bad sh!t trying to hold his world together. What he did wound up driving his best friend/father-in-law to suicide, and he knows it.

I can't admire Floyd, but I can see the pain he was in. Yes, he brought it all onto himself, and if that makes his burden worse, that's part of the price he pays for his choices. The consequences of the money part will be decided for him as this plays out. But confessing could only have been a tough decision, and even tougher to carry out.

How pure his motives are now we can't know. I wanted to vomit too -- over what he did at the TdF and after. But at the same time I hope he feels some measure of peace now.


May 6, 2010
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Colm.Murphy said:
How shortsighted of you. How convenient that you lean on the book funds, and the plea for money for lawyers.

Did you miss the part where his best friend and father-in-law took his own life?

Ask yourself, who set the table for all of these activities? Who perpetrated the greatest sporting fraud on the world?

Place the disdain where it is deserved. It is one things to express outrage and anger toward something that has directly hurt you. Has Landis hurt you somehow? Did you max a credit card with the FFF?

Tell me, where are the folks with the yellow plastic wrist bands going to go now? Who will carry the mantle for cancer? How will it be carried from prison.

Landis was wrong. He paid a monstrous price. For those that paid alongside him, they are permitted to feel a kinship with this latest turn-around, one where the truth, perhaps, can prevail, and a new dawn might emerge. If you spent your money to assist in delivering Landis to this point, a point where his future met inevitability, then pick up a pint of the dark stuff and cheer for him.

If you must decry his name and blast his decisions, then at least do it because you hate lying. And if you hate lying, the kind where there is no chance for redemption, then you might as well figure out that Mr. Armstrong is going to prison, and take a big gulp to that.

The Americans have a saying: "Don't hate the players, hate the game"
Well, it seems Mr. Armstrong and his crew ran the game and had the ace player, and I hate both right now. Justice must be achieved.

The lies end now.

I find it interesting how you transfer Landis's lies and deceptions onto Armstrong. Whatever Armstrong has done is for him to answer for. Slagging off Armstrong does not alleviate Landis of blame no matter how you want to twist it.

His father in law? If he wants to see responsibility for his death he probably needs to just look in the mirror. At any time he just had to say "no more" and own up. But no, we had denials we had the sob stories, the accusations against ASO and the labs. I personally find it despicable that even when faced with the horror of his father in law taking his own life he still made the conscious decision to continue with the charade. whatever Armstrong has done pales into insignificance compared with this. If you cannot see that then I feel sorry for you.

In relation to Armstrong. I'm a realist and he probably did dope but then so did everyone else and they all denied it until they were caught. I have to say though, you are dreaming if you think he will go to jail over this. In fact I don't think that anything will be proven to the degree of proof that criminal charges require. As to cancer, whatever his motives be they ego or whatever, his organisation has done far more than most, plus you need to realise that the vast majority of cancer sufferers couldn't give a toss about cycling, they just see the advocacy side of his organisation so I doubt they will change their view of him.

Personally I think it will be good when he retires and cycling can move on, but ultimately I doubt if any of the allegations that Landis raises will stick.


May 6, 2010
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4bidon said:
Yes, Floyd took people's money and betrayed their loyalty. But I don't think he was laughing behind anyone's back. He was desperate like we can't imagine and did some bad sh!t trying to hold his world together. What he did wound up driving his best friend/father-in-law to suicide, and he knows it.

I can't admire Floyd, but I can see the pain he was in. Yes, he brought it all onto himself, and if that makes his burden worse, that's part of the price he pays for his choices. The consequences of the money part will be decided for him as this plays out. But confessing could only have been a tough decision, and even tougher to carry out.

How pure his motives are now we can't know. I wanted to vomit too -- over what he did at the TdF and after. But at the same time I hope he feels some measure of peace now.

You know what? I would agree with you except for the fact that had his team been given a ride at the ToC he would still never have owned up, and I am speaking here of his fraud not anyone else's. That is why I stand by my view that his 'confession' or call it what you will, was purely driven out of spite. That is not to say his allegations are untrue it is just to say his claims of conscience are total crap. If he had been riding at the ToC he would have found it within himself to hold off telling his poor old mom the truth for a while longer...what a tosser!


Apr 28, 2010
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SpartacusRox said:
You know what? I would agree with you except for the fact that had his team been given a ride at the ToC he would still never have owned up, and I am speaking here of his fraud not anyone else's. That is why I stand by my view that his 'confession' or call it what you will, was purely driven out of spite. That is not to say his allegations are untrue it is just to say his claims of conscience are total crap. If he had been riding at the ToC he would have found it within himself to hold off telling his poor old mom the truth for a while longer...what a tosser!

How do you know? As far as I know there is no indication that this was the case? Nowhere had I read that he said this or something similar to this, I also can't find it anywhere implied to be the case, expect in the statements by LA and Bruyneel, am I missing an article somewhere, God knows how difficult it is to keep up with all this


May 6, 2010
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Barrus said:
How do you know? As far as I know there is no indication that this was the case? Nowhere had I read that he said this or something similar to this, I also can't find it anywhere implied to be the case, expect in the statements by LA and Bruyneel, am I missing an article somewhere, God knows how difficult it is to keep up with all this

It's implied pretty directly in the emails


Apr 28, 2010
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SpartacusRox said:
It's implied pretty directly in the emails

Please than show me the direct quotes, the only thing which I found in those e-mails, from Landis, is that he was already planning to come clean, yet did not came into contact with the correct authorities, to which the organizers led him

Or to restate my position from the thread focused on these e-mails:

Landis comes across in these mails as a genuine nice guy trying to make everyone atone for their own sins and making sure everyone is in on what he wants to do. This actually makes me believe him more, rather than less

Does anyone find anything in these e-mails which is threatening or anything, it seems like Landis tried to be civil and give everyone involved a chance to come clean and truly help against the doping problem. It is just stating his intentions and his plans, without having any type of demand or anything that truly can be seen as incriminating.
Sep 19, 2009
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Random thought,

How about Popo, wasn't he riding for lotto after LA retired? I remembered he was a huge disappointment at lotto then he comes back with Astana 2.0 and is a brilliant domestique again, then moves to RS. He seems to be on the elite program and probably has access to the inner circle. He may have a lot to say if he's pressured.


May 6, 2010
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Barrus said:
Please than show me the direct quotes, the only thing which I found in those e-mails, from Landis, is that he was already planning to come clean, yet did not came into contact with the correct authorities, to which the organizers led him

Or to restate my position from the thread focused on these e-mails:

You need to read Dr Kay's emails in more detail.

To Floyd "I don't think anyone is calling your bluff". It is obvious from his emails that Landis has presented an ultimatum...let us in to the ToC or I will squeal.


Apr 28, 2010
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SpartacusRox said:
You need to read Dr Kay's emails in more detail.

To Floyd "I don't think anyone is calling your bluff". It is obvious from his emails that Landis has presented an ultimatum...let us in to the ToC or I will squeal.

Fun fact is, that those e-mails of Dr Kay were dated, after the e-mails of Landis in which he already states what his intention is. Also the ToC organizer himself stated that he was not presented an ultimatum. Therefor I will stand by my earlier mentioned point, until you can really show me something which contradicts this