It seems to me that Savio thinks everybody is ignorant. According to the Gazzetta, the Padua investigation has revealed that Pellizzotti's salary payments were going straight to T&F Management, the front for Michele Ferrari's doping/money laundering organization. The fake contract through which these payments were made was not registered with UCI; the investigators have found the contract between T&F Management and Androni-Giocattoli, and it's different from the one on file at the UCI.
So, to begin with, Savio is a liar, because he sent the UCI one contract to put on file, but paid out to another one so as to make sure that Ferrari was getting his $$$$ to dope up Pellizzotti. To continue, he is dishonest, because looking at his criticism of the UCI, he is saying that it is poorly managed because (Savio dixit) Pellizzotti was acquitted by CONI and the UCI shouldn't have appealed to CAS. In other words, what he resents is that the UCI had the gall to pursue the Pellizzotti case all the way to CAS. He is not criticizing the UCI for failing to pursue doping, he is criticizing the UCI for pursuing doping.
The antidoping manifesto is a red herring. It implies no structural change at the UCI, no structural change in antidoping enforcement--it is the proposal of those who want the status quo.
As for the accusation that the UCI is applying the rules as they wish, Savio needs to be careful what he asks for. Androni-Giocattoli's license could be withdrawn right now, under any number of articles of the UCI rules. A fake contract, not registered with the UCI, used to funnel cash to a notorious dope doctor who has been banned from cycling, and of course, being used to evade the payment of taxes. Let's check just one part of the UCI rules:
The ethical criterion takes account inter alia of the respect by the team or its members for:
a) the UCI regulations, inter alia as regards anti-doping, sporting conduct and the image of cycling;
b) its contractual obligations;
c) its legal obligations, particularly as regards payment of taxes, social security and keeping
d) the principles of transparency and good faith.
Ooooops ... Savio: FAIL. Logical conclusion: Savio is a liar (violates (d)) and a tax evader (violates (c)) who submits fake contracts (violates (b)) and damages the image of cycling (violates (a)). In other words, violates all ethical criteria for holding a cycling license.
You know, maybe Savio is right, and the UCI is "poorly managed, ... applying rules as they wish." Perhaps the UCI should begin applying its rules, starting with the immediate withdrawal of the Androni-Giocattoli license.
Oh, no, wait, the UCI won't eliminate whole corrupt teams because they don't want all those cyclists, managers, etc. out of work ... the UCI is afraid of the "damage to cycling" ... so they won't enforce the rules against Savio ... and Savio can continue to spout nonsense until the Padua investigation rolls right over him.