I need some help and advice from the wise folk out there.I have been back on the bike for one year after a 25 year break (what was I thinking!)I started out with my old shoes,clips and straps.....attached to the old bike.I have updated bike-wise in a budget s/hand durace foco steel-frame kinda way.Being new to strapless pedals I bought a pair of Lake tri shoes and it is time to update. By the way I am talking about racing .Recently U.K.mag Cycling Plus tested Bont shoes (very pricey heat moulded)and claimed <after fitting the shoes properly,we found using a few gears higher than normal wasnt uncommon on our test rides> Shimano do a heat moulded shoe also I think.QUESTION IS do these shoes really make that much difference.I dont want to loose any of my hard won wattage!Any thoughts or comments appreciated.