• The Cycling News forum is still looking to add volunteer moderators with. If you're interested in helping keep our discussions on track, send a direct message to @SHaines here on the forum, or use the Contact Us form to message the Community Team.

    In the meanwhile, please use the Report option if you see a post that doesn't fit within the forum rules.


Spam Spam go away.....

... and NEVER come back again!

Hey, folks, sorry for the spam attack this afternoon. I am deleting as fast as this guy can spam, but even I have to take a break sometime!

We will get "PillsDoctor" (oh, what a clever name) blocked as soon as we can, but I'm afraid it won't be soon enough.

We're doing our best to stay on top of this!



why does this stupid forum make you wait 60 seconds between reporting posts...

i couldnt be bothered to wait to do teh other one.. :/
Mar 3, 2009
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dimspace said:
why does this stupid forum make you wait 60 seconds between reporting posts...

i couldnt be bothered to wait to do teh other one.. :/

I'd say for the same reason every other forum using this software does. Frustrating.

Although we're kinda hoping you'll never need to notify of more than one SPAM post ever, let alone in a day. Sadly a Nike bot killed us this morning, but hopefully we've put an end to that now.

Sorry for the inconvenience to our readers.

Greg Johnson
dimspace said:
why does this stupid forum make you wait 60 seconds between reporting posts...

i couldnt be bothered to wait to do teh other one.. :/

I think it is so someone cannot crapflood the administrators. Usually forum software enforces a delay between ordinary posts also.

A huge amount of spam could be prevented if any post that mentioned shoes posted from an IP address located in China was rejected. :)
Mar 3, 2009
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BroDeal said:
I think it is so someone cannot crapflood the administrators. Usually forum software enforces a delay between ordinary posts also.

That's correct. Although, hard to see a situation where someone could be so bored out of their mind they'd bother to do such a thing.

BroDeal said:
A huge amount of spam could be prevented if any post that mentioned shoes posted from an IP address located in China was rejected. :)

You'd have to think that intelligent SPAM prevention methods will explore options along these lines as programs get updated. Although IP addresses usually aren't Chinese, as they infect other systems to then do the damage for them, it wouldn't be too hard to detect most of the stuff trying to hock various types of clothing - if the desire was there.

Greg Johnson