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Sprinters and doping

Do sprinters dope as much as others?

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Apr 26, 2010
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Somehow the GC, TT and classics guys always seem to get caught, and a very limited number of sprinters. Would this be because sprinters don't dope? Do they dope less? Or are they simply smarter?
I included a poll to see what you guys think in general.
I believe myself that sprinters dope less, because they have less need to go up mountains with high speeds and maintain that speed over several days like the GC guys have to do. Sprinters can hide in the peloton most of the days and then appear in the last kilometres, so they need less dope like EPO and can use a couple of anabolic steroids or other muscle-enhancing substances.
Aug 4, 2009
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If the sprinters use drugs they dont need something to help them ride is a break or in a Time Trial .

They need fast acting stuff and usualy that is very short acting meds
Jul 6, 2010
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They may be the only ones not on EPO at the GTs. Chances are they're doing other stuff to prep for the finishes in the run up. As to the legal stuff - no matter what the posts have said, if you're in possesion of a large percentage of QT fibres then ephedrine or caffeine will help you out - maybe not a faster response, but a stronger response to stimuli, ie: strong and fast jump.

It's a specialist field with a duration of 300+m. It's not climbing for an hour... That's why I prefer the classics to the tours. It's about being hard when you can, and playing the finish in your favour.

Bring on the hard men! Who really needs the aneroxics anyway...
Jul 6, 2010
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Well, yeah...

The riders that have that sort of zoot will try to max it, while also trying to max their ability to make it to the end of a stage race. Or a tough one-dayer.

I'm certainly not saying that the fast *****es will not be doping, while everyone disparages the GT riders. The sad scene is that they're all doing what they think can get away with. And apparently that's a lot...

I was only saying that the speedsters will be focused more on different programming than the scrawny ones. That being said, I'm not calling one out more than the other. If they're jacked, they should be skewered...
Of course they are. If you want to win the sprint, it's not enough to be really fast, you also have to get there to contest it. And, in a stage race, make the time limit on all those other stages.
Jun 5, 2010
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Since Abdu never rode a sprint without something spiking up his system, it's difficult to believe that the sprinters who grew up in his terror aren't still doping now; but....

The current drug regimes seem to be more about recovery than performance per se, which is why they're appealing to climbers & other GC types. It's at least conceivable that sprinters are so nursed around nowadays that the need for them to dope may have reduced

Their domestiques & lead-out riders, on the other hand