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Start times for Stage 1, anyone?

Mar 11, 2009
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16.00 uur:
Van Hummel, Wrolich, B. Feillu, Napolitano, De Jongh, Haddou, Furlan, Augé, Pasamontes, Veikkanen, Vanotti, Dupont, Monfort, R. Pérez, Dean, ten Dam, Arvesen, Armstrong (16.17), Wegelius, Klier, Rooijakkers, P. Velits, Calzati, Trussov, Van de Walle, Pichot, Bandiera, B. Fernandez, Arroyo, Coppel, Sabatini, Mondory, Martin, A. Pérez, Farrar, Posthuma, Larsson, Leipheimer (16.37), Lloyd, Gustov, Beppu, Fröhlinger, Lequatre, Horrach, Tosatto, Lefèvre, Spilak, Dumoulin, Coyot, Vaugrenard, Kuschynski, Arrieta, Grabsch, K. Fernandez, Millar, Freire, O'Grady, Paulinho, Lang, Cuesta

Timmer, Terpstra, Bouet, Botcharov, Barredo, Rolland, Sapa, Duque, Uran, Casar, Willems, Goubert, Eisel, Verdugo, Hesjedal, Garate, Voigt, Muravyev, Scheirlinckx, Roulston, Geschke, Wegmann, Gonzalo, Vandenbergh, Pineau, Trofimov, Righi, Moinard, Rojas, Joly, Vandborg, Riblon, Renshaw, Oroz, Maaskant, Niermann, C. Sörensen, Zubeldia, Delage, Gomez Marchante, Hivert, Ciolek, R. Feillu, Ivanov, Rosseler, Arashiro, Bruseghin, Minard, Costa, Le Mével, Bennati, Roche, Cavendish, Txurruka, Pate, Gesink, F. Schleck, Rast, Van Avermaet, Haussler

Hupond, Knees, Le Lay, Ignatiev, Devolder, Bonnet, Santambrogio, Pauriol, Pereiro, Roy, Kreuziger, Nocentini, Hincapie, Anton, Zabriskie, Flecha, N. Sörensen, Kloden, Vansummeren, Lancaster, De Kort, Fothen, Vogondy, Pozzato, Boonen, Fédrigo, Loosli, Kern, Guttierez, Hutarovich, Nibali, Dessel, Rogers, E. Martinez, Vande Velde, Clement, A. Schleck, Popovych, Van den Broeck, Hushovd, Lemoine, Gerdemann, Moreau, Karpets, Chavanel, Voeckler, Ballan, Moncoutié, Sanchez, Geslin, Pellizotti, Efimkin, Kirchen, Astarloza

Wiggins, Menchov, Cancellara, Contador, Evans, Sastre

one minute interval until gerdemann. after that 2 minute interval i think.
the_prawn said:
Is there live coverage on CN this year? I can't find $hit on this new site! GRRRRRRRRR!

1 Kenny van Hummel - Skil-Shimano 16.00
2 Peter Wrolich - Team Milram 16.01
3 Brice Feillu - Agritubel 16.02
4 Danilo Napolitano - Katusha 16.03
5 Steven de Jongh - Quick Step 16.04
6 Said Haddou - BBox Boygues Telecom 16.05
7 Angelo Furlan - Lampre 16.06
8 Stephane Auge - Cofidis 16.07
9 Luis Pasamontes - Caisse d'Epargne 16.08
10 Jussi Veikkanen - Francaise des Jeux 16.09
11 Alessandro Vanotti - Liquigas 16.10
12 Hubert Dupont - AG2R 16.11
13 Maxime Monfort - Team Columbia-HTC 16.12
14 Ruben Perez Moreno - Euskaltel-Euskadi 16.13
15 Julian Dean - Garmin-Slipstream 16.14
16 Larens Ten Dam - Rabobank 16.15
17 Kurt Asle Arvesen - Team Saxo Bank 16.16
18 Lance Armstrong - Astana 16.17
19 Charles Wegelius - Silence-Lotto 16.18
20 Andreas Klier - Cervelo Test Team 16.19
21 Piet Rooijakkers - Skil-Shimano 16.20
22 Peter Velits - Team Milram 16.21
23 Sylvain Calzati - Agritubel 16.22
24 Nicolai Trussov - Katusha 16.23
25 Jurgen Van de Walle - Quick Step 16.24
26 Alexandre Pichot - BBox Boygues Telecom 16.25
27 Marco Bandiera - Lampre 16.26
28 Bingen Fernandez - Cofidis 16.27
29 David Arroyo - Caisse d'Epargne 16.28
30 Jerome Coppel - Francaise des Jeux 16.29
31 Fabio Sabatini - Liquigas 16.30
32 Floyd Mondory - AG2R 16.31
33 Tony Martin - Team Columbia-HTC 16.32
34 Alan Perez Lezaun - Euskaltel-Euskadi 16.33
35 Tyler Farrar - Garmin-Slipstream 16.34
36 Joost Posthuma - Rabobank 16.35
37 Gustav Larsson - Team Saxo Bank 16.36
38 Levi Leipheimer - Astana 16.37
39 Matthew Lloyd - Silence-Lotto 16.38
40 Volodymir Gustov - Cervelo Test Team 16.39
41 Fumiyki Beppu - Skil-Shimano 16.40
42 Johannes Fröhlinger - Team Milram 16.41
43 Geoffroy Lequatre - Agritubel 16.42
44 Joan Horrach - Katusha 16.43
45 Matteo Tosatto - Quick Step 16.44
46 Laurent Lefevre - BBox Boygues Telecom 16.45
47 Simon Spilak - Lampre 16.46
48 Samuel Domoulin - Cofidis 16.47
49 Arnaud Coyot - Caisse d'Epargne 16.48
50 Benoit Vaugrenard - Francaise des Jeux 16.49
51 Aleksandr Kuschynski - Liquigas 16.50
52 Jose Luis Arrieta - AG2R 16.51
53 Bert Grabsch - Team Columbia-HTC 16.52
54 Koldo Fernandez - Euskaltel-Euskadi 16.53
55 David Millar - Garmin-Slipstream 16.54
56 Oscar Freire - Rabobank 16.55
57 Stuart O’Grady - Team Saxo Bank 16.56
58 Sergio Paulinho - Astana 16.57
59 Sebastian Lang - Silence-Lotto 16.58
60 Inigo Cuesta - Cervelo Test Team 16.59
61 Albert Timmer - Skil-Shimano 17.00
62 Niki Terpstra - Team Milram 17.01
63 Maxime Bouet - Agritubel 17.02
64 Alexandr Botcharov - Katusha 17.03
65 Carlos Barredo - Quick Step 17.04
66 Pierre Rolland - BBox Boygues Telecom 17.05
67 Marcin Sapa - Lampre 17.06
68 Leonardo Duque - Cofidis 17.07
69 Rigoberto Uran - Caisse d'Epargne 17.08
70 Sandy Casar - Francaise des Jeux 17.09
71 Frederik Willems - Liquigas 17.10
72 Stephane Goubert - AG2R 17.11
73 Bernhard Eisel - Team Columbia-HTC 17.12
74 Gorka Verdugo - Euskaltel-Euskadi 17.13
75 Ryder Hesjedal - Garmin-Slipstream 17.14
76 Juan Manuel Garate - Rabobank 17.15
77 Jens Voigt - Team Saxo Bank 17.16
78 Dmitriy Muravyev - Astana 17.17
79 Staf Scheirlinckx - Silence-Lotto 17.18
80 Hayden Roulston - Cervelo Test Team 17.19
81 Simon Geschke - Skil-Shimano 17.20
82 Fabian Wegmann - Team Milram 17.21
83 Eduardo Gonzalo Ramirez - Agritubel 17.22
84 Styn Vandenbergh - Katusha 17.23
85 Jerome Pineau - Quick Step 17.24
86 Yury Trofimov - BBox Boygues Telecom 17.25
87 Daniele Righi - Lampre 17.26
88 Amael Moinard - Cofidis 17.27
89 Jose Joaquin Rojas - Caisse d'Epargne 17.28
90 Sebastien Joly - Francaise des Jeux 17.29
91 Brian Vandborg - Liquigas 17.30
92 Christophe Riblon - AG2R 17.31
93 Mark Renshaw - Team Columbia-HTC 17.32
94 Juan Jose Oroz - Euskaltel-Euskadi 17.33
95 Martijn Masskant - Garmin-Slipstream 17.34
96 Grischa Niermann - Rabobank 17.35
97 Chris Anker Sørensen - Team Saxo Bank 17.36
98 Haimar Zubeldia - Astana 17.37
99 Mickael Delage - Silence-Lotto 17.38
100 Jose Angel Gomez Marchante - Cervelo Test Team 17.39
101 Jonathan Hivert - Skil-Shimano 17.40
102 Gerald Ciolek - Team Milram 17.41
103 Romain Feillu - Agritubel 17.42
104 Sergey Ivanov - Katusha 17.43
105 Sebastien Rosseler - Quick Step 17.44
106 Yukiya Arashiro - BBox Boygues Telecom 17.45
107 Marzio Bruseghin - Lampre 17.46
108 Sebastien Minard - Cofidis 17.47
109 Rui Alberto Faria Da Costa - Caisse d'Epargne 17.48
110 Christophe La Mevel - Francaise des Jeux 17.49
111 Daniel Bennati - Liquigas 17.50
112 Nicolas Roche - AG2R 17.51
113 Mark Cavendish - Team Columbia-HTC 17.52
114 Amets Txurruka - Euskaltel-Euskadi 17.53
115 Danny Pate - Garmin-Slipstream 17.54
116 Robert Gesink - Rabobank 17.55
117 Fränk Schleck - Team Saxo Bank 17.56
118 Gregory Rast - Astana 17.57
119 Greg Van Avermaet - Silence-Lotto 17.58
120 Heinrich Haussler - Cervelo Test Team 17.59
121 Thierry Hupond - Skil-Shimano 18.00
122 Christian Knees - Team Milram 18.01
123 David Le Lay - Agritubel 18.02
124 Mikhail Ignatiev - Katusha 18.03
125 Stijn Devolder - Quick Step 18.04
126 William Bonnet - BBox Boygues Telecom 18.05
127 Mauro Santambrogio - Lampre 18.06
128 Remi Pauriol - Cofidis 18.07
129 Oscar Pereiro - Caisse d'Epargne 18.08
130 Jeremy Roy - Francaise des Jeux 18.09
131 Roman Kreuziger - Liquigas 18.10
132 Rinaldo Nocentini - AG2R 18.11
133 George Hincapie - Team Columbia-HTC 18.12
134 Igor Anton - Euskaltel-Euskadi 18.13
135 David Zabriskie - Garmin-Slipstream 18.14
136 Juan Antonio Flecha - Rabobank 18.15
137 Nicki Sørensen - Team Saxo Bank 18.16
138 Andreas Klöden - Astana 18.17
139 Johan van Summeren - Silence-Lotto 18.18
140 Brett Lancaster - Cervelo Test Team 18.19
141 Koen de Kort - Skil-Shimano 18.20
142 Markus Fothen - Team Milram 18.21
143 Nicolas Vogondy - Agritubel 18.22
144 Filippo Pozzato - Katusha 18.23
145 Tom Boonen - Quick Step 18.24
146 Pierrick Fedrigo - BBox Boygues Telecom 18.25
147 David Loosli - Lampre 18.26
148 Christophe Kern - Cofidis 18.27
149 Jose Ivan Gutierrez - Caisse d'Epargne 18.28
150 Yauheni Hutarovich - Francaise des Jeux 18.29
151 Vincenzo Nibali - Liquigas 18.30
152 Cyril Dessel - AG2R 18.31
153 Michael Rogers - Team Columbia-HTC 18.32
154 Egoi Martinez - Euskaltel-Euskadi 18.33
155 Christian Vande Velde - Garmin-Slipstream 18.34
156 Stef Clement - Rabobank 18.35
157 Andy Schleck - Team Saxo Bank 18.36
158 Yaroslav Popovych - Astana 18.37
159 Jurgen Van den Broeck - Silence-Lotto 18.38
160 Thor Hushovd - Cervelo Test Team 18.39
161 Cyril Lemoine - Skil-Shimano 18.40
162 Linus Gerdemann - Team Milram 18.41.30
163 Christophe Moreau - Agritubel 18.43.00
164 Vladimir Karpets - Katusha 18.44.30
165 Sylvain Chavanel - Quick Step 18.46.00
166 Thomas Voeckler - BBox Boygues Telecom 18.47.30
167 Alessandro Ballan - Lampre 18.49.00
168 David Moncoutie - Cofidis 18.50.30
169 Luis-Leon Sanchez - Caisse d'Epargne 18.52.00
170 Anthony Geslin - Francaise des Jeux 18.53.30
171 Franco Pellizotti - Liquigas 18.55.00
172 Vladimir Efimkin - AG2R 18.56.30
173 Kim Kirchen - Team Columbia-HTC 18.58.00
174 Mikel Astarloza - Euskaltel-Euskadi 18.59.30
175 Bradley Wiggins - Garmin-Slipstream 19.01.00
176 Denis Menchov - Rabobank 19.02.30
177 Fabian Cancellara - Team Saxo Bank 19.04.00
178 Alberto Contador - Astana 19.05.30
179 Cadel Evans - Silence-Lotto 19.07.00
180 Carlos Sastre - Cervelo Test Team 19.08.30


Well, the Tour de Lance is on the TV, time for the stage commentary to begin. Since they are not showing riders yet, I have to say that "Lance Armstrong" has been said at least 34 times in 5 minutes.

I sincerely hopes Contador kicks his a$$.
Mar 11, 2009
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Is it juat me or is the order backwards for the live updates? "Next page" takes you to the older posts.... "Previous page" takes you to the newer posts....