Moving the sun tour to February.
What happens when we get tempraturs up to 47 deg in Victoria ?
We are not alowed to race if it is over 35 deg as a public health issue so will they run it at night or early morning.
Will it be a long series on criterium races or will they head up Mt Bulla and the other alpine roads That is the usual rout of the Sun Tour.
Traditionaly the raod season starts in April and ends in October for obvious reasons
People cant train properly in excessive heat riders dont get the best performances
But then again I hate the winter road season.
Any comments
What happens when we get tempraturs up to 47 deg in Victoria ?
We are not alowed to race if it is over 35 deg as a public health issue so will they run it at night or early morning.
Will it be a long series on criterium races or will they head up Mt Bulla and the other alpine roads That is the usual rout of the Sun Tour.
Traditionaly the raod season starts in April and ends in October for obvious reasons
People cant train properly in excessive heat riders dont get the best performances
But then again I hate the winter road season.
Any comments