I don't think there is anyone that would regard a cancer foundation as not needed. Any person, company, foundation, etc. that is willing to help people in need is widely needed and normally accepted. What I personally don't find attractive about the situation is that Armstrong profits from this. Yes, he was diagnosed and battled against cancer, worthy in its own right. But what isn't usually taken into account, is that he had the backings of Nike to help him find the medical team needed to rid his body of the disease. Many, MOST, do not have that luxury. And yes, although the Livestrong foundation does wonders for people...I think you will find that Mr. Armstrong does not return what was given to him as readily as it was given to him. To have appearance fees to talk about something that is a world wide problem because he survived it....go to your local cancer group in a hospital when they have speakers there. The speakers are people who have fought and survived cancer as well giving moral support to those who are currently battling the disease. And guess what...they aren't receiving or even asking for any appearance fee. They do it because they care about helping those who are need!