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Tarnished bracelet

Jul 28, 2009
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I did not realize this yellow plastic/rubber/vinyl bracelet could tarnish; but after many years on my right wrist, it is finally off.....I believe LA knew the controversy he would cause by coming back to Astana and only reluctantly supported AC after AC proved he was stronger. LA's comment that there is no "I" in team, should have applied to himself.....
Jul 24, 2009
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It is unfortunate to have someone be such a diplomat toward cancer research only to use it to catapult the food chain to feed his ego. It's unfortunate that his appearance fee to talk about cancer is a reported $200k. I wonder how much of that is directly put into the foundation? I seem to remember a statement that the comeback was JUST to raise awareness about cancer research. Amazing what a couple of grand tours will do to an egotistical maniac. All those kids and adults who rely on his accomplishments, only to be forgotten when it really comes down to what matters...fame and fortune for the man himself. Not that he doesn't deserve it, anyone that has to go through a disease like cancer deserves the world....but don't take the world by the nuts and demand that it is yours!
Jul 28, 2009
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Is there any need to have this thread, too? :p

Anyway, I'm "braceletless" for a quite now but I must find the time (and my credit card) to order some new ones. They're for a good cause and that must be our focus. The racing controversy is something else, not to be confused with.
Otto123 said:
It is unfortunate to have someone be such a diplomat toward cancer research only to use it to catapult the food chain to feed his ego. It's unfortunate that his appearance fee to talk about cancer is a reported $200k. I wonder how much of that is directly put into the foundation? I seem to remember a statement that the comeback was JUST to raise awareness about cancer research. Amazing what a couple of grand tours will do to an egotistical maniac. All those kids and adults who rely on his accomplishments, only to be forgotten when it really comes down to what matters...fame and fortune for the man himself. Not that he doesn't deserve it, anyone that has to go through a disease like cancer deserves the world....but don't take the world by the nuts and demand that it is yours!

When he isn't on the bike he is really focused on the foundation. He is the classic Jeykll/Hyde, depending if he is bike rider or a cancer advocate at that second. He is the true definition of the alpha male sports star. NO matter how much he wants to ride for pleasure, his personality just won't allow it, he must be on Top. That same attitude is what has lead him to the 7 TDF wins, allowed him to beat cancer, but it has also caused a ton of strained relationships, along with ****ing off many people
Jul 24, 2009
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I think before the summations come out about the items that the Livestrong foundation produces, we would need to find out how much of that proceeds actually go to cancer research? I would hope, I think otherwise, but I would hope that NONE of the proceeds would go into Armstrong's pocket. If you look at his lifestyle, he doesn't live modestly by any means! And he is definitely not a philanthropist! My yellow wrist wear has been gone the day I heard Armstrong deny the use of drugs, but have many previous teammates and companions in the peloton saying otherwise. It's one thing to support a cause, it's another thing to support a cause founded by someone who is a liar and a cheat.
Otto123 said:
It is unfortunate to have someone be such a diplomat toward cancer research only to use it to catapult the food chain to feed his ego. It's unfortunate that his appearance fee to talk about cancer is a reported $200k. I wonder how much of that is directly put into the foundation? I seem to remember a statement that the comeback was JUST to raise awareness about cancer research. Amazing what a couple of grand tours will do to an egotistical maniac. All those kids and adults who rely on his accomplishments, only to be forgotten when it really comes down to what matters...fame and fortune for the man himself. Not that he doesn't deserve it, anyone that has to go through a disease like cancer deserves the world....but don't take the world by the nuts and demand that it is yours!

The term used is "survivorship" which is neither research or assistance to medical programs.

$200k is incorrect. He was paid $1,000,000AUD for 3 speaking engagements and to ride the Tour Down Under.

For the Giro the fee was €2,000,000 to complete the Giro and make 2 promotional appearances for the Giro along with 5 apperance in Gazzetta dello Sport. 0 Cancer related engagements were part of the €2,000,000 fee.
Jul 24, 2009
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Team orders??? Bike race, 4th (amongst the Astana team) in the prologue, bike race...race being defined as - a competition of speed, against an objective criterion, usually a clock or to a specific point.

What would make a GOOD team player and not present the "I" in team as Armstrong has done over his career, would be to use the philosophy that Vandevelde had when asked by Andreau about having the team GC leadership switch over to Wiggins...I think his words were something in the likes of...Absolutely I'll work for Wiggo anyday, happily. He is the better rider and I have no problem working for him. Teammate defined right there!
BroDeal said:
What a load of garbage that is. He "beat" cancer because he responded well to the drugs. That is it. There is nothing heroic about it. It is random.

Not too sure about that.

Its the same doggedness you see on the bike is the they way he dealt with this cancer. If you knew the story you would suggest otherwise; Lance wouldn’t accept the diagnosis from the initial reviews. He kept finding new doctors until he found the right one who’d help him survive. He now helps other select patients with the same methodology.

You see when you have cancer you don’t always have a clear state of mind or are you in the right emotional state to get the right answers about your health.

Having support can assist with this. Thats where LiveStrong comes in.
Jul 24, 2009
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I don't think there is anyone that would regard a cancer foundation as not needed. Any person, company, foundation, etc. that is willing to help people in need is widely needed and normally accepted. What I personally don't find attractive about the situation is that Armstrong profits from this. Yes, he was diagnosed and battled against cancer, worthy in its own right. But what isn't usually taken into account, is that he had the backings of Nike to help him find the medical team needed to rid his body of the disease. Many, MOST, do not have that luxury. And yes, although the Livestrong foundation does wonders for people...I think you will find that Mr. Armstrong does not return what was given to him as readily as it was given to him. To have appearance fees to talk about something that is a world wide problem because he survived it....go to your local cancer group in a hospital when they have speakers there. The speakers are people who have fought and survived cancer as well giving moral support to those who are currently battling the disease. And guess what...they aren't receiving or even asking for any appearance fee. They do it because they care about helping those who are need!
Otto123 said:
I don't think there is anyone that would regard a cancer foundation as not needed. Any person, company, foundation, etc. that is willing to help people in need is widely needed and normally accepted. What I personally don't find attractive about the situation is that Armstrong profits from this. Yes, he was diagnosed and battled against cancer, worthy in its own right. But what isn't usually taken into account, is that he had the backings of Nike to help him find the medical team needed to rid his body of the disease. Many, MOST, do not have that luxury. And yes, although the Livestrong foundation does wonders for people...I think you will find that Mr. Armstrong does not return what was given to him as readily as it was given to him. To have appearance fees to talk about something that is a world wide problem because he survived it....go to your local cancer group in a hospital when they have speakers there. The speakers are people who have fought and survived cancer as well giving moral support to those who are currently battling the disease. And guess what...they aren't receiving or even asking for any appearance fee. They do it because they care about helping those who are need!

However if Nike had their way they would make shoes for 0.00002c per pair and take the $200 mark up per set as profit.

Armstrong whether you like him or hate him dragged Nike to the table and made them stump up cash for the cancer cause.

Yes Armstrong takes a cut from all things Nike but without Lance Nike really wouldn't give a s*it. You need guys like Armstrong who bring the major players to the table and make them get their wallets out.

If Armstrong makes $5million from it I don't care but if he helps 1 person get through cancer then thats worth much more than 5 million to me.
Jul 24, 2009
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I agree with the helping of others. But just think what $5 million here, $5 million there could do for the actual scientists and doctors working to reach a cure! Does Armstrong really need to make that much money off of trying to help others? NO.
Otto123 said:
I agree with the helping of others. But just think what $5 million here, $5 million there could do for the actual scientists and doctors working to reach a cure! Does Armstrong really need to make that much money off of trying to help others? NO.

Just between you and me he doesn't give a s*it what anyone thinks.

He knows he's on a mission to be the best bike rider in the world and along the way he's also going to get really rich.

He's also on mission to save as many lives as possible from the horrible infliction that is cancer. If he stopped to think "do people like me?” or “should I be earning so much money?” then he wouldn’t do it. It comes with the territory in saving lives. At the end of the day he’ll have raised over a billion dollars for cancer related charities.

If you can bring someone else to the table who has done similar then I’ll forever keep my peace.
Jul 24, 2009
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Well, given that my wife works in healthcare and I know quite a few people who save lives through her everyday, I guess it is time to forever hold your peace, lol. And these people do it because they love to do it, not because they feel obligated, nor do they ask for appearance fees and build an empire off of it. I am all for being an entrepreneur, but not at the expense of the very people he is trying to help. Either just ride the damn bike and shut up, or go on to your political career that you are aiming to have...but don't make a mockery out of something that so many of us love...cycling. And don't use the fears and terrors of what other people are going through with cancer to profit. Morally....WAY NOT CORRECT!
thehog said:
However if Nike had their way they would make shoes for 0.00002c per pair and take the $200 mark up per set as profit.

Armstrong whether you like him or hate him dragged Nike to the table and made them stump up cash for the cancer cause.

Yes Armstrong takes a cut from all things Nike but without Lance Nike really wouldn't give a s*it. You need guys like Armstrong who bring the major players to the table and make them get their wallets out.

If Armstrong makes $5million from it I don't care but if he helps 1 person get through cancer then thats worth much more than 5 million to me.

We don't need people who lie to and deceive people with cancer. Armstrong should start by telling the truth about how he won the TdF.
BroDeal said:
We don't need people who lie to and deceive people with cancer. Armstrong should start by telling the truth about how he won the TdF.

Let me know when the record has stopped playing. What are you talking about. Dope?

Come on. Get back to the subject at hand and stop digressing. Armstrong saves lives, period. If that hurts you then find another hero to pick on.

If it makes you feel better then believe in your mind that doped but he still saves lives, period. Same result. Let it go.
Jul 24, 2009
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Not at all, in fact I would rather see the fact that no one ever mentions his name again! :)

Someone said, can't remember who, during the tour...20 years down the road the Armstrong that people will remember is Neil for walking on the moon. Don't want my life to pass that quickly, but sure would be nice to be in that time frame right now!
thehog said:
Let me know when the record has stopped playing. What are you talking about. Dope?

Come on. Get back to the subject at hand and stop digressing. Armstrong saves lives, period. If that hurts you then find another hero to pick on.

If it makes you feel better then believe in your mind that doped but he still saves lives, period. Same result. Let it go.

Why? I had cancer. I find it extremly offensive and disgusting that Armstrong lies about racing clean to those with the disease. Also I am not someone who believes that the ends justify the means.
Mar 18, 2009
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thehog said:
Let me know when the record has stopped playing. What are you talking about. Dope?

Come on. Get back to the subject at hand and stop digressing. Armstrong saves lives, period. If that hurts you then find another hero to pick on.

If it makes you feel better then believe in your mind that doped but he still saves lives, period. Same result. Let it go.

I support the foundation...but will stop short of saying that LA saves lives. He most certainly does not.
BroDeal said:
Why? I had cancer. I find it extremly offensive and disgusting that Armstrong lies about racing clean to those with the disease. Also I am not someone who believes that the ends justify the means.

I understand. I've been there.

A top surgeon will make good money from saving lives too. Like I said it comes with the territory. But yeah can understand the big mouth stuff can be offensive. But I think sometimes that’s the only way he can do it. Shout from the rooftops.