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Apr 5, 2010
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i read all the forum i was just wandering if some of you or do comments have been professional cycling how many of you had did ride the tour de france?have you been in the middle of the peloton??have you been claiming the Alp's,the Pyrenees,before saying all are dopers,drug,or what ever those riders are professional that all they know they earn a living of it cause they loved,you peoples i am sure you have a job then some time if you are sick you need some medicine too go too work right,so think in a minute those guys they suffering everyday on the bike hot or cold rain or sunshine they keep going?do you work under the rain???anywhere if they dope or not or care they give us a such entertainement behond imagination look at the race on the tourmalet?super,the best, so please what ever they do respect them they are human been and pround for what they do, hope you understand me even the moderator or descriminated me cause i used a silly word hope they scrunity all the post even some did descriminated me and unsulted me cause of my poor english.
i was a professional cycling back in the year 1965 too 1971 i did some of the tour the france yes those days all of us did take drugs everyone did it was common practise okie.
so the million dollar question hes or hes rigth or wrong you just telle me cause some of you seem so smart and know all good luck too you guys
god bless.
May 14, 2010
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ellen big joke i think make winker mess that contdor good no yes he ride big big mountasin go away andys trubel winker contador make advantage unfair i never respect you no what i mean clear as wiker contador is
May 14, 2010
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Maxiton said:
ellen big joke i think make winker mess that contdor good no yes he ride big big mountasin go away andys trubel winker contador make advantage unfair i never respect you no what i mean clear as wiker contador is

Rearrange the above and season to taste.


Apr 28, 2010
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unsulted me cause of my poor english.
really you find this amazing, even if you would write your post in your original language and ran it through googletranslate it would be more comprehensible than it is at this point.


Apr 28, 2010
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alberto.legstrong said:
If we could only know what winker and okie meant, part of the mystery that is ellenbrook may become revealed. But then again....

Okie, isn't that someone from Oklahoma? ;)
Mar 22, 2010
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Barrus said:
Okie, isn't that someone from Oklahoma? ;)

every time i see okie thats exactly what my brain equates that to and then i keep reading and a battle breaks out in my brain as it tries to dissociate okie with person from oklahoma and i cant concentrate because the meaning is unclear and cant be discerned by continuing to read its like there is a blinking light on my braindashboard saying unclear stop unclear stop and then i see winker and then i got too lights flashing its like driving thru road closed barriers
Apr 19, 2009
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ask Joe Papp what his opinion is?

Also, I agree that this being a website published in English, if you are really trying to post something serious, take some time and effort. There are plenty of translation programs (including Google) that would allow you to write your opinion in your native language, translate, then post.

My 10 year old daughter can write 1000 times more coherent than this original post.


Jun 26, 2010
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ellenbrook2001 said:
i read all the forum i was just wandering if some of you or do comments have been professional cycling how many of you had did ride the tour de france?have you been in the middle of the peloton??have you been claiming the Alp's,the Pyrenees,before saying all are dopers,drug,or what ever those riders are professional that all they know they earn a living of it cause they loved,you peoples i am sure you have a job then some time if you are sick you need some medicine too go too work right,so think in a minute those guys they suffering everyday on the bike hot or cold rain or sunshine they keep going?do you work under the rain???anywhere if they dope or not or care they give us a such entertainement behond imagination look at the race on the tourmalet?super,the best, so please what ever they do respect them they are human been and pround for what they do, hope you understand me even the moderator or descriminated me cause i used a silly word hope they scrunity all the post even some did descriminated me and unsulted me cause of my poor english.
i was a professional cycling back in the year 1965 too 1971 i did some of the tour the france yes those days all of us did take drugs everyone did it was common practise okie.
so the million dollar question hes or hes rigth or wrong you just telle me cause some of you seem so smart and know all good luck too you guys
god bless.

You're drunk.
Jul 6, 2010
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ellenbrook2001 said:
i read all the forum i was just wandering if some of you or do comments have been professional cycling how many of you had did ride the tour de france? (...)
so the million dollar question hes or hes rigth or wrong you just telle me cause some of you seem so smart and know all good luck too you guys
god bless.
If ever you're french or using a french keyboard, the . is right above the ; :rolleyes:
You're welcome...

Ooops, my bad... I see that you know where it is, as you used it 3 times in your full post.
Jul 18, 2010
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alberto.legstrong said:
If we could only know what winker and okie meant, part of the mystery that is ellenbrook may become revealed. But then again....
j*rk (wan-ker), and OK. We used drugs, OK?

I do work in the rain. That's about it ;)
(I also work in horseracing, so the arguments you use leave me entirely cold and unsympathetic)
Jul 18, 2010
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ellenbrook2001 said:
i read all the forum i was just wandering if some of you or do comments have been professional cycling how many of you had did ride the tour de france?have you been in the middle of the peloton??have you been claiming the Alp's,the Pyrenees,before saying all are dopers,drug,or what ever those riders are professional that all they know they earn a living of it cause they loved,you peoples i am sure you have a job then some time if you are sick you need some medicine too go too work right,so think in a minute those guys they suffering everyday on the bike hot or cold rain or sunshine they keep going?do you work under the rain???anywhere if they dope or not or care they give us a such entertainement behond imagination look at the race on the tourmalet?super,the best, so please what ever they do respect them they are human been and pround for what they do, hope you understand me even the moderator or descriminated me cause i used a silly word hope they scrunity all the post even some did descriminated me and unsulted me cause of my poor english.
i was a professional cycling back in the year 1965 too 1971 i did some of the tour the france yes those days all of us did take drugs everyone did it was common practise okie.
so the million dollar question hes or hes rigth or wrong you just telle me cause some of you seem so smart and know all good luck too you guys
god bless.
I read all the forum and am wondering if some of you who comment on it have been professional cyclists?
How many of you rode in the tour de France?
Have you ever been in the middle of the peloton?
Did you climb the Alps or the Pyrénees?
Before claiming all of them are dopers, druggies, or whatever, those are professional riders who only know riding, and earn a living there because they love it.
You folks I'm sure have a job and sometimes you get sick, yo uneed medicine to go to work, right? So think for a minute about those poor guys suffering every day on a bike, hot or cold, rain or sunshine, but they keep going?
Do you work in the rain?
Anyway if they dope or not <illegible> they give us such entertainment beyond imagination, look at the Tourmalet stage!
Super, the best! So, whatever they do, respect them, they are human beings and proud of what they do; I hope you understand me. Even the moderator discriminated me because I used a silly word. I hope they scrutinise all the posts.
Even other posters did discriminate me and insulted me because of my poor english.
I was a professional cyclist back in the years 1965 to 1971. I did some of the tour the france; yes, in those days all of us did take drugs everyone did it. It was common practise, you understand?
So the million dollar question is, is it right or wrong, you just tell me because some of you seem so smart and know it all. Good luck to you guys,
God bless.


Apr 28, 2010
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180mmCrank said:
So this must be the thread that really encourages people who are non English speakers to join in discussions :rolleyes:

I wonder how a few of us would fair trying to post on a Dutch discussion board? :)

I think I'll manage quite well, thank you very much;)

But really, she or he should just write the post in her or his original language and then run it through google translate or something
Apr 19, 2009
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180mmCrank said:
So this must be the thread that really encourages people who are non English speakers to join in discussions :rolleyes:

I wonder how a few of us would fair trying to post on a Dutch discussion board? :)

Here is my post in Dutch!

Joe Papp vragen wat zijn mening is?

Ook heb ik het ermee eens dat dit een website in het Engels gepubliceerd, als je echt iets probeert te ernstige post, wat tijd en inspanning te nemen. Er zijn tal van vertaalprogramma's (zoals Google), dat laat je toe om je mening te schrijven in je moedertaal, dan vertalen, post.

Mijn 10 jaar oude dochter kan schrijven 1000 maal meer samenhangend dan deze originele post.



Apr 28, 2010
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cyclestationgiuseppe said:
Here is my post in Dutch!

Joe Papp vragen wat zijn mening is?

Ook heb ik het ermee eens dat dit een website in het Engels gepubliceerd, als je echt iets probeert te ernstige post, wat tijd en inspanning te nemen. Er zijn tal van vertaalprogramma's (zoals Google), dat laat je toe om je mening te schrijven in je moedertaal, dan vertalen, post.

Mijn 10 jaar oude dochter kan schrijven 1000 maal meer samenhangend dan deze originele post.


still quite bad, but due to the spaces between sentences it at least is understandable, still not really good, but I get the gist of it, perhaps also due to punctuation
Oh goodie we are writing in foreign languages now?
Here's some Swahili

Mimi nadhani watu wengi kwenye forum hii ni wajanja sana. Kwa kweli hata bibi yangu ambaye Alzheimers anajua zaidi juu ya baiskeli kuliko ninyi watu.
Natumaini wote affraid atakufa kifo cha kutisha.


Apr 28, 2010
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Dekker_Tifosi said:
Mimi nadhani watu wengi kwenye forum hii ni wajanja sana. Kwa kweli hata bibi yangu ambaye Alzheimers anajua zaidi juu ya baiskeli kuliko ninyi watu.
Natumaini wote affraid atakufa kifo cha kutisha.

My response in Tagalog

Ano ay ito satsat, hindi ko maintindihan ang isang salita. Kahit na ito ay mas mahusay kaysa sa Ellen Brooks sa kanya o sa kanyang post. Siguro mas gusto ko pumunta sa isang bike sumakay, bagaman ako nasugatan ang aking daliri mas maaga ito linggo. Gayundin mwhy ang gusto mo sa akin ang mamatay ng isang kakila-kilabot kamatayan?
ellenbrook2001 said:
i read all the forum i was just wandering if some of you or do comments have been professional cycling how many of you had did ride the tour de france?have you been in the middle of the peloton??have you been claiming the Alp's,the Pyrenees,before saying all are dopers,drug,or what ever those riders are professional that all they know they earn a living of it cause they loved,you peoples i am sure you have a job then some time if you are sick you need some medicine too go too work right,so think in a minute those guys they suffering everyday on the bike hot or cold rain or sunshine they keep going?do you work under the rain???anywhere if they dope or not or care they give us a such entertainement behond imagination look at the race on the tourmalet?super,the best, so please what ever they do respect them they are human been and pround for what they do, hope you understand me even the moderator or descriminated me cause i used a silly word hope they scrunity all the post even some did descriminated me and unsulted me cause of my poor english.
i was a professional cycling back in the year 1965 too 1971 i did some of the tour the france yes those days all of us did take drugs everyone did it was common practise okie.
so the million dollar question hes or hes rigth or wrong you just telle me cause some of you seem so smart and know all good luck too you guys
god bless.

ofc no one of the forum posters has ever been top professional,thats why we are on the forum and thats why half of the threads are crap