Best for Hirt would have probably been to stay at Intermarché for own opportunities. Maybe they didnt offer him anything though. They will probably build the team around Girmay instead, cant blame them for that. But not room for an aging climber/decent GC-rider if they will be more sprint and classics oriented. After his season he probably dont lack offers, but at QS he will most likely fall into a domestic role.
I agree.
IWG are still a very small budget team and after the last half season quite a lot of their riders will have an increased market value. Unless they get an influx of cash, they will not be able to get everyone who has been good to extend, particularly if they want to bring in more strong riders to support Ghirmay. If Hirt goes it’s a pity because, as you say, it’s hard to see any other WT team giving him the same opportunity to ride for himself.