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The most emboldened Journalist yet: from GQ?

May 25, 2009
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Mar 10, 2009
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Fun read. Bravo freedom of the press. Hell, OJ got published, right?

Good luck, Mr. Armstrong. When the public and your cancer survivors turn their backs on you, you will have to dig deep into your suitcase of courage to survive their wrath.

You might want to contact Tiger's PR people and get an advance team ready.
I wasn't too sure what to make of the "keep right on lying, you've helped too many people" angle. Maybe he was serious, or maybe he was doing a double-secret reverse psychology thing. It hurt my brain.

May 23, 2010
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thread needs the picture..

Apr 9, 2009
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The strangest part of that article was the post-script. I mean, I know it's not a mainstream publication, but wow, the guy called lance a ***?
In the long run articles like this will do serious damage to Armstrong; the damage will be reinforced by his continuing denials. The public will absorb the fact that Armstrong surely doped, and it will become common wisdom. Every time Armstrong denies it, it will grate against the public's conscience. People do not like being treated as though they are stupid. They like being treated like they are gullible even less.
Feb 21, 2010
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BroDeal said:
In the long run articles like this will do serious damage to Armstrong; the damage will be reinforced by his continuing denials. The public will absorb the fact that Armstrong surely doped, and it will become common wisdom. Every time Armstrong denies it, it will grate against the public's conscience. People do not like being treated as though they are stupid. They like being treated like they are gullible even less.

Agree. The movement toward this type of tone against Armstrong is the thing that cuts the willingness of folks to mobilize on his behalf, and that of his foundation, at the knees.

Sample conversation:

Joe: Bob, do you want to sign up with me to do that Livestrong ride in September? Lance Armstrong is supposed to be there and I know you got that new bike in the Spring...

Bob: Hmm. I don't know. That guy's full of ***. I'm not paying one red cent to help that jerk. Probably using the funds for his legal defense.

Joe: Maybe you are right, the dude beat every doper on the planet for almost a decade and wants us to think he was clean? Probably didn't even have cancer!

Bob: Harsh! The guy lost a nut, that can't be a publicity stunt. Well, let's go find another ride to do, I need to get some miles in before I hang it up for the year.


So, the "smarter than everyman", whose intelligence will surely be insulted, will have conversations like that over the next year plus, and the legacy will be forever blemish.

The only question left is will the blemish be a kind of minor scar that can only be seen up close, or will it be a grotesque kind of disfigurement mostly seen in severe chemical burn victims?
Apr 5, 2010
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It's obvious what a media outlet that is not governed by advertising dollars from livestrong/michelob ultra/road id/radio shack/nissan can and will publish. Bravo to them for publishing that.
May 25, 2009
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Kennf1 said:
The strangest part of that article was the post-script. I mean, I know it's not a mainstream publication, but wow, the guy called lance a ***?

That's why I posted it. I thought HFS- The gloves are off. Crazy.
Jul 3, 2010
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What's also interesting is that the article must presumably have been written some time ago (assuming it's in the mag)... glossy monthlies have pretty long copy leadtimes.
Uh-oh. Now Forbes is going after Armstrong as well. This thing is snowballing.


The tragedy of Lance Armstrong is that he competed in an age of rampant doping and sloppy testing standards. This fact will complicate Lance’s legacy regardless of whether Lance's actual doping is ever proven or not.

Did Lance dope? Did he use performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions during his seven Tour wins from 1999 to 2005?

I think so.

This piece is absolutely damning. It brings up the corticosteroid positive and the EPO positives.
Feb 21, 2010
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BroDeal said:
Uh-oh. Now Forbes is going after Armstrong as well. This thing is snowballing.


The tragedy of Lance Armstrong is that he competed in an age of rampant doping and sloppy testing standards. This fact will complicate Lance’s legacy regardless of whether Lance's actual doping is ever proven or not.

Did Lance dope? Did he use performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions during his seven Tour wins from 1999 to 2005?

I think so.

This piece is absolutely damning. It brings up the corticosteroid positive and the EPO positives.

I just noticed something rather remarkable about that article: It does not mention Landis once.

That, is a serious shift. They are past the "scandal" and into the issues.
Feb 21, 2010
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oldschoolnik said:
BroDeal said:
Uh-oh. Now Forbes is going after Armstrong as well. This thing is snowballing.



The author of this piece is the Publisher of Forbes:eek:

He's probably ****ed that some hack at GQ stole his thunder.

So when at the next few Livestrong charity dinners, as they notice less and less people coming, it will be the shift in tone from articles like this that will have been the influence. This is public opinion being changed in front of our eyes.

Essentially, the shine is off the myth. Someone threw on the house lights and everyone can now see what it took to produce the show...

With Comeback 2.0 an abysmal failure, there will be no reunion tour for this band.
Jul 27, 2009
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BroDeal said:
This thing is snowballing.

It needs to; the story is still not at critical mass. I got a chuckle from a conversation one week ago: over breakfast with a number of other casual, recreational cyclists, one said that he had heard that Armstrong was being investigated again "by the French." I informed him that it was "by the Feds." To a man, the others all seemed to be unaware of the developing story.