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They must all be Californians...

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frizzlefry said:

Oh man. So many former sponsors in that picture.

And was that when Cunego was still eligible for the white jersey? Damn. I'm getting old.
Apr 20, 2009
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dlwssonic said:
Look at his contadors angry teeth.
The fan deserved it!

i totally agree, but i am kind of surprised nobody has tried to defend the moron who got hit. years ago, i seem to remember a rider decked another rider's brother and got kicked out of the race. the guy admitted to being a (male member) and said he would have done the same as the rider if the roles were reversed, but public opinion was clearly against the rider.
Damiano Machiavelli said:
Those euros do not have anything on this tool.


Is it always the same guy with the antlers?

Is it the same guy whose often running with the flag?

If so I have much respect. I mean I am a cycling fan and spend hours every day watching races and on this forum but this guy makes the effort to get to obscure places on the road of the race dressed like that, wait for hours just so that he can run along the peloton at the time.

And i think he adds 30 seconds of excitement often at dull points.

If he had a Belgian flag and the words "Devolder" on his back he wouldnt get that much stick probably either. I respect what he does.
May 23, 2011
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VeloGirl said:
He just runs along side, trying to get on TV.

And that is why he is a tool. The race is not about him.

The next jerkoff will decide that he needs seven foot antlers to get on TV, and the next one will use eight.

I will tell you what is even lamer: Corporate coopting. I point to the Specialized Angel as a prime example. I can imagine the soulless corporate cynics that came up with that one.

"Hey, Bob, there has been a devil on the side of the road forever. We should do the same thing, but cover the outfit with Specialized logos."

"That is a great idea. But Americans are really uptight about devils and Satan. The fundies might protest. We could get a reputation in the Deep South for being in league with beast."

"No problem. We will use an angel instead. The logo will stand out better against the white outfit."

"That's gold, Jerry. Gold!"
Damiano Machiavelli said:
And that is why he is a tool. The race is not about him.

Cycling is very much about the fans. Its one of the beautiful things about it. They are by the roadside. Seeing thousands of fans on Alpe or Zoncolan is an awesome experience. No stadium no charging for tickets. Anyone who wants to see the race, can stand on the road right next to the riders.

Seeing antler guy running alongside on a boring transition stage, thinking how much effort it must have taken him to get there, provides some excitement when the cycling does not.
Apr 20, 2009
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was it antler boy who had his american flag stolen from him by a rider during the vuelta?

also, was it he that was pushed into the snow by a radioshack (or was it astana?) rider during the tour of california?
gregod said:
was it antler boy who had his american flag stolen from him by a rider during the vuelta?

also, was it he that was pushed into the snow by a radioshack (or was it astana?) rider during the tour of california?
No, it was a guy dressed as a black and yellow syringe that got pushed into the snowbank at the TOC by Armstrong.

Didn't he swing across the front of the peloton to do it too?
Apr 20, 2009
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42x16ss said:
No, it was a guy dressed as a black and yellow syringe that got pushed into the snowbank at the TOC by Armstrong.

Didn't he swing across the front of the peloton to do it too?

thanks. i only saw the picture (which i obviously forgot the details of), but thought it was pretty funny. kind of unusual for him to push away a syringe:D
Jan 2, 2010
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I don't care what fans wear as long as they don't interfere with the riders. Some of the shots from the motos moving through the crowds are really scary. If somebody jumped out a few metres in front of me and started screaming at me in a language I didn't understand then I'd be scared. Maybe they're shouting encouragement and will quickly get out of the way but it would be so stressful.
Apr 20, 2009
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ansimi said:
I don't care what fans wear ...

or not wear. in the last couple of stages i've caught glimpses of one male and one female streaker. however, i have yet to see a giant schlong or vajajay painted on the road this year.
Aug 12, 2009
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Thomsena said:
The dutch were a disgrace. The scenes with Voeckler were awful.

The Dutch always are. Want to hear some lovely stories from the 2000 Olympics? No you don't. Worst sports fans in the world, almost bested by the Germans and Poms. English boo their own, Dutch are just in your face ******bags. Dutch fans when in a rabid state are the scum of the earth. Pussies, the whole lot. Too bad if you don't like it Dutchies...go back to your dykes and grow the F#$K up. Want proof? Do they do this on their own? Nope, mob mentality. On their own they are charming, lovely. Get them together and the mob mentality takes roost.

These clowns ruin races, not just the Dutch nutters but the idiots in every country in every GT. Being within a foot or two of a riders face is BS. If you did that crap in Australia, you'd end up in hospital...so to the European goofballs, how about you cowards man up? Oh I forgot...you don't know how. SSDD, as proven by the 20th Century. Typical behaviour of cowards and bad sports. Cheat, poor sportsmanship...heck they'll even complain when you call them out. But never, not once, when you challenge them to their face, will they stand their ground. They back away like the pussies they are. Hence why soccer and it's rigged diving theatrics is the biggest sport in Europe. A sport practiced sadly by pussies. Proof of cowardice right there. I'm waiting for the day a rider gets knocked down and turns around and flogs the crap out of the tool who did it.

ASO and RCA need to get volunteers who have the ability to on the spot fine you. More barriers. There is literally no place until the last few kms for an inclined rider to attack. Literally no room, because these tools think they have the right to get in your face. As I said...cowards, the lot of them.
May 14, 2010
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gregod said:
it was just a matter of time before someone put that pic as their avatar. you beat me to it :D

I only beat you to it because this was already posted and discussed about ten hours ago (see the link). :)
Stuff like that makes me cringe.

Yeah, the fans get way too close and everyone has a breaking point, but in my mind both Armstrong and Contador were pushing their luck.

At the end of the day, you still have a 150 to 160 pound rider, on a bicycle, at his limit, heading uphill at a pace slow enough to be flanked by spectators. Drunk spectators. Spectators who probably outweigh a 160 pound rider by 40 or 50 pounds.

The last thing we need is a drunken idiot deciding that a swat from a rider is justification for a full-on right cross, or a shove that takes both bike and rider off the road.

Knocking a chubby syringe-wielding kid down, or swatting a moron dressed as a dope doctor AS HE'S TRYING TO TAKE A PHOTO is one thing. Hitting an inebriated corn-fed twenty-something farmboy who outweighs you by 50% might not be the best idea.

I've seen plenty of guys at the side of the road who, while certainly respecting Hinault's *****, would still laugh, spit out a tooth, and then lay into him like there's no tomorrow.

I just don't want things to escalate. The bike riders will lose.