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Time triallist or Trialler?


Mar 10, 2009
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Noticed on your news pages today that your refer to a junior time triallist as a 'time trialer'. A bit odd is it not? Would triallist be better? Or should it be 'trialist' with one 'l'?
Aug 4, 2009
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Grama spelling all used to count at one time my editor would throw the article in the rubbish if he found one error why should he spend his sweat on it if I dont care.
But with on line publishing its hard because the editor hardly ever sees the it before it posted. CN be warned the world is reading it.

Or spot the deliberate Error. then there is english and Microsoft english and multi Cultural language.
Apr 26, 2010
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Could probably also depend on the fact that there is American and British English. But I'm not sure. I think both forms are correct, although time triallist sounds better.
Jun 16, 2009
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Actually thinking back, I think I have only heard cyclists say that someone is, "a great time trial-er" and never "time trial-ist)

This is just from my observations in australia and the uk though...

the above comment about online publishing is only half correct. Part of the issue is that a writer fromone country/culture is writing an article that will expect to be read by virtually all countries...

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