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Tour de Suisse - Stage 2

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Jun 7, 2010
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hey guys i heard on tv that there were some crashes during the stage, do you know who fell?? it's a pity that sagan couldn't follow the first group as he could have won the stage. so how is the stage tomorrow?? completely flat for sprinters or very similar as the one we had today???
Apr 12, 2010
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Not a bad day for Cav coming in only 3.09 down compared to some of the other sprinters like Boonen & Hushovd at 9 & 10mins also Peter Sagen at 10min. Tony Martin also did well to be in the front group.
Mar 12, 2009
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Boardslide said:
Not a bad day for Cav coming in only 3.09 down compared to some of the other sprinters like Boonen & Hushovd at 9 & 10mins also Peter Sagen at 10min. Tony Martin also did well to be in the front group.

thats what i thought, good effort by mcewen too.

still need to see cav sprint to see if he still has the kick, havent seen it at all this year
Jun 12, 2010
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Faserr said:
It won't be a sprinters stage tomorrow. There is a nasty kick in the last km with a altitude difference of 100m.

That's true. I rode it aswell as the additional loop around Schwarzenburg 2 weeks ago. I almost had to laugh when i was reading the article concerning the stages of tds here on cyclingnews, that stage 3 could be something for sprinters. Never ever. I bet there could be even some major changes in GC in stage 3.
Alpechraxler said:
That's true. I rode it aswell as the additional loop around Schwarzenburg 2 weeks ago. I almost had to laugh when i was reading the article concerning the stages of tds here on cyclingnews, that stage 3 could be something for sprinters. Never ever. I bet there could be even some major changes in GC in stage 3.

Love that local knowledge!
Mollema is furious

Ik heb vandaag 10 seconden straftijd gekregen, waardoor ik nu 23e sta in het klassement ipv 9e.
Ik had eerst geen idee waarvoor de straf was, maar kennelijk is het voor het te lang vastpakken van een bidon. En dat slaat helemaal nergens op! Ik heb 1 bidon aangepakt toen ik wat kleren bij de auto ging halen op de top van de lange klim. Maar lang heb ik de bidon zeker niet vastgepakt.
Als ze me hier al straftijd voor geven dan hadden ze dat bij alle renners die bidons zijn halen wel kunnen doen. Bovendien hadden ze een topsprinter die aan de auto heeft gehangen zeker naar huis moeten sturen! Echt belachelijk!


"I have gotten a 10 second penalty so instead of 9th I'm 23rd. At first I had no clue why. But when I asked the jury they told me I held a bidon too long.
That is absolute nonsense! At the top of the long climb I had to get some clothes from the car, I also took 1 bidon but really not for long. If they give me a time penalty for that they should give a time penalty for almost everybody who gets a bidon from the car. Also they should have sent a top sprinter home who hung from a car for a really long time!
Really utter bull****!"
Jun 16, 2009
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Dekker_Tifosi said:
Mollema is furious


"I have gotten a 10 second penalty so instead of 9th I'm 23rd. At first I had no clue why. But when I asked the jury they told me I held a bidon too long.
That is absolute nonsense! At the top of the long climb I had to get some clothes from the car, I also took 1 bidon but really not for long. If they give me a time penalty for that they should give a time penalty for almost everybody who gets a bidon from the car. Also they should have sent a top sprinter home who hung from a car for a really long time!
Really utter bull****!"

Poor Bauke! I do not like that rule about the Bidon's.

Anyway, nice ride by matthias Frank to get the mountains jersey.
craig1985 said:
Christian Vandevelde finished in the autobus today :eek:

I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't really hurt himself yesterday in that crash. If you watch closely, although the barricades themselves are flimsy and light, he managed to make direct conatct with a pole right behind the barricade and gave it quite a shot.
Jun 22, 2009
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Dekker_Tifosi said:
That really sucks, not only for Ten Dam, but also for Rabobank, that's one of their most important mountain domestiques. Probably their most important mountain helper, because he certainly is better than Garate

indeed. big loss for rabobank..


Apr 28, 2010
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Does anyone know what happened to Sagan, suddenly he is riding like most 20-years old, something seems off. Perhaps he was really exhausted already from his season so far and wants to take it easy for the nationals? Anyone got any confirmation about him?

BTW really a shame about Ten Dam, Rabo is certainly going to miss him in the TdF. Wonder who they'll chose as his replacement, as they are not certain about this yet