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UCI / Investigations / National Federations / Credibility

Jul 2, 2009
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If the National Federation members have also given "Donations" to the UCI what validity do these new investigations have ?

Does anyone have the links to the news that a specific lab member(s) were being used by team(s) to test their samples for them, on the side. It came out a couple months ago ?
Given what Landis has said about US Cycling how can we expect them to investigate themselves and their senior management in an honest and open way?

This has all the hallmarks of an OP style cover-up. They'll kick all the investigations to the backburner before declaring everyone innocent.

They've seen how the Spanish handled OP and they'll follow that example.
Feb 14, 2010
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tubularglue said:
If the National Federation members have also given "Donations" to the UCI what validity do these new investigations have ?

Does anyone have the links to the news that a specific lab member(s) were being used by team(s) to test their samples for them, on the side. It came out a couple months ago ?

Disgraced Tour de France cyclist Bernard Kohl said on Friday that scientists working in laboratories accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) were bribed by his former manager, the alleged head of a doping network.

Matschiner, who has already admitted to performing irregular blood transfusions for Kohl, claimed in a recent interview with German television ARD that he was able to corrupt employees at several WADA-accredited laboratories based in central Europe.

The public prosecutor's office in Vienna responded by demanding he be brought to a new hearing.

Now retired from the sport, Kohl appeared to back up those revelations when he said Matschiner paid between 150 and 500 euros a time to laboratory employees for the testing of samples so that his athletes could avoid being caught by anti-doping tests.

Race Radio said:
You wonder why USA cycling ignored Landis' information?


Good job, USA Cycling.

A few days after the story broke, though, Armstrong spent an hour on CNN's Larry King Live dismissing the L'Equipereport, contending it was unfair because it came from a tabloid newspaper reporter's efforts, rather than through formal anti-drug protocols. A few days later, the chief operating officer of USA Cycling, the governing body responsible for punishing bike-racing drug cheaters in this country, was quoted in more than 100 newspapers dismissing the L'Equipe piece as the scandalmongering of a French tabloid newspaper, adding, in a remarkable echo of Armstrong's public position, that the positive drug results were unfair because they had been exposed by a news reporter, rather than through formal drug-policing protocols.

....Johnson, the widely quoted USA Cycling official, appears to suffer from a serious conflict of interest between his organization's role as a doping cop and his personal, institutional, and financial ties to the diversified business world surrounding Lance Armstrong. Financier Weisel is Armstrong's longtime patron, employer, investment manager, and friend. Weisel is also Johnson's longtime patron and friend and the founder of a nonprofit entity that employs him.
Jun 19, 2009
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Race Radio said:
You wonder why USA cycling ignored Landis' information?


Thanks RR. This compiles what I've said repeatedly about the relationship: Weisel wants success at any cost. I've had two telling encounters related to the Montgomery-Suburu days: 1)Reports of National team members getting injected by Eddie B, in Weisel's Park City home as preparation for the Olympics 2)Conversation with a former founder of Montgomery Securities that essentially said: "I've met Lance and he's just like Tom-he'd run anyone off the road to get what he wants." That individual split from the partnership over questionable ethical issues related to IPO's during the Tech Boom. We all know how that little manipulation turned out. Weisel sits fat with an enormous home in Sun Valley known for it's ostentatious size. He has a $10mil + Calder sculpture nearly 200' long in the yard. With an ego as big as the Texan's you can understand how Lance has felt untouchable for so long.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Basically a history of US cycling administration.


Meanwhile Voight, Milburn and Johnston continued to mismanage USAC, driving it to the brink of bankruptcy. In June 2000 Weisel's group (USACDF) agreed to bail them out provided that Phil Milburn was fired and replaced by Steve Johnson who would continue to serve as Executive Director of USACDF reporting to Weisel. While Voight continued as the nominal CEO of USAC, Johnson was actually running it inasmuch as Weisel had financial control of the organization and Lisa Voight had negligible leadership ability -- a nice lady who never should have been put in that position. Johnson then proceeded to effectively merge USAC and USACDF though they pretended to still be separate organizations.