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Urban Cross Borgloon - 23 October 2016

Het Belang van Limburg gave an article (in their main edition, not the sport extra!) about what seems to be a new concept of cyclocross: the “Urban Cross”.

I’m however pretty sure that it had already existed in a long gone past, so that’s how between 1942 & 1948 you had the cyclocross of Montmartre in Paris, up and down the said basilica (100,000 spectators for one of the editions!).


The new Urban Cross is meant to be held in Borgloon (“Looz” in French), Belgian Limburg on 23 October. 3km long lap. It’s close to St-Trond and the province of Liege in Wallonia.


This cross is free of all artificial addition such as wooden hurdles or temporary bridges. They however take 10 kinds of terrain: asphalt, cobbles, bricks, bluestone stairs (see upper right picture), sand, dirt, wood, gravel, pebbles and “houtschilfer” (I don’t know how to translate, literally “wood shavings”, but anyway it’s what you can see on the medium right picture ;))

As you can see on the left picture, it’s the cobbled alley is hardly more than the width a bike’s bars.

The “Burchtheuvel”, the climb to the Fort of Borgloon, is the main obstacle of that cross.


The climb is partly asphalted, partly on dirt road. The dirt road part is the steepest part and cross the wine field of “De Groote Mot”. You are literally climbing a wall between two hedges which is more and more heading towards the sky. In order to recon this climb the town administration has agreed to unlock the road for bikers, says the organizer Bart Gregoor.

Everybody may choose which bike and wheels/tubes best suit to the route: cross bike, mountainbike or singlespeed. No restriction re: that issue but hidden motors of course.

A men’s event is organised but also a women’s one and two youth events for U13 and U17. Plus a real “kidsrace” “Allez les kadées” for U7.


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