Vino was just epic today. It's great to see him doing exactly what he promised he would do, which is fulfill super-domestique duties on behalf of AC. I like the silence from the anti-Vino brigade and their inability to continue slagging him off anymore, as there's really nothing left with which to impeach him.
Of course, if he's shown to be positive again, I'll volunteer to metaphorically pull the trigger.
A quick search of the forum didn't reveal a dedicated Vino Comeback Thread, so I thought I'd create this one. Feel free to discuss, though as always, posts focused primarily on the suspicion of doping by Vino or accusations therein should go to The Clinic. But anti-Vino cycling fans are certainly welcome and encouraged to post their complaints here.
Does anyone note a stage still to come that offers Vino as good a chance to win as this one just completed? I'm really pulling for the guy and if anyone "deserves" to win a stage, it's him. Vino actually animates the race, and even better is the fact that now most of his ferocious attacks are also tactically-astute (whereas before, perhaps b/c of the charge, he was just as likely to attack dramatically but ineffectively, as he was to make a calculated display of power).
I wonder if Vino will release his autobiography anytime soon; perhaps it could be sponsored by a consortium of Kazakh oil, gas and mineral companies and could feature a shot of Vino on the back cover in his honorary colonel's uniform (or whatever he is). And w/ a forward by AC thanking him for not stabbing him in the back during the Tour, a la Hinault to LeMond in '86.
Cycling is more enjoyable with Vino in the mix.
Let me close by sharing this link to a favorite Toto cartoon featuring Vino: *
*updated link

Of course, if he's shown to be positive again, I'll volunteer to metaphorically pull the trigger.
A quick search of the forum didn't reveal a dedicated Vino Comeback Thread, so I thought I'd create this one. Feel free to discuss, though as always, posts focused primarily on the suspicion of doping by Vino or accusations therein should go to The Clinic. But anti-Vino cycling fans are certainly welcome and encouraged to post their complaints here.
Does anyone note a stage still to come that offers Vino as good a chance to win as this one just completed? I'm really pulling for the guy and if anyone "deserves" to win a stage, it's him. Vino actually animates the race, and even better is the fact that now most of his ferocious attacks are also tactically-astute (whereas before, perhaps b/c of the charge, he was just as likely to attack dramatically but ineffectively, as he was to make a calculated display of power).
I wonder if Vino will release his autobiography anytime soon; perhaps it could be sponsored by a consortium of Kazakh oil, gas and mineral companies and could feature a shot of Vino on the back cover in his honorary colonel's uniform (or whatever he is). And w/ a forward by AC thanking him for not stabbing him in the back during the Tour, a la Hinault to LeMond in '86.
Cycling is more enjoyable with Vino in the mix.
Let me close by sharing this link to a favorite Toto cartoon featuring Vino: *
*updated link

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