fat_boy_fat said:
The SOL is
a rule, not
the rule. It’s just a convention. Limit could be ten or six years, now it’s eight, for no special reason.
It’s absolutely right to point out what separates this case from others: it’s the scope, the duration, the criminal actions taken on other riders, staff, officials. Therefore, and more so with the violations of civil and penal laws in mind, there is no justification to protect the results of a performance, that was based not only on broken rules, but also on lawbreaking and perjury, and this not coincidentally or individually, but following a plan, pursued by a group of people (Armstrong, Bruyneel, Weisel etc.).
We’re not talking about a single rider, who made a mistake, who is due to our forgiveness and whom we should help to keep at least some of his rewards, because in the end it was still sportsmanship which helped him get these.
We’re talking about a criminal organisation making a three-digit amount of millions of dollars by maintaining a huge fraud over more than a decade.
The only thing to protect here is the sport and the people who maintain it by fair means. Wonderboy has never done right, so he has never won anything that could be spared from being stripped off him.
Now do me a favour and go back to your mountains.
You may decide that the death sentence is appropriate for Lance. But that is mob rule speaking. In a civilised world there are rules, and the rules must be enforced without fear or favour. If the rules say 8 years SOL, then 8 years it is until changed. And it should not matter who or which country the rule is the same for all.
If the rules say 2 year ban UCI cannot ethically extend it by using "blacklists" as it does.
Following your logic you should be berating Hincapie as much. Bet you do not!
I have pointed out that Hincapie got off far too lightly in equitable judgement because the system is NOT working.
Hincapie was a career doper for over a decade before and after he met lance so his doping cannot be blamed on lance.
He was also the main lieutenant in this conspiracy - and as any number of legal precedents have stated "the boss told me to do it - the Nazi defence" is no defence.
(in fact in some jurisdictions it is even worse - the "joint enterprise" legislation UK means just being there is enough to be charged with the crime, even if yo did not take part in it!).
The crime is doping and conspiracy to dope, for a decade, and supply (he owned up to it, on at least one occasion from memory, lending each other EPO) and so Hincapie is 100% guilty.
But he got off because (a) he is liked (b) he did not win was not good enough or preferred to help others (c) he was good enough at cheating to not get caught. NONE of those (a) (b) or (c) should matter in determining sanction. He did not own up either until the feds pointed a gun at his head, and reminded him of Marion jones - he certainly did not come clean till after he retired, so it cost him nothing. So no points there...
What he should have done is as a minimum distance himself from it , and preferably speak out. He did neither. He joined in for the best part of a decade, knowing what was going on, and as the main supporter of lances victories, and we only have his word he quit afterwards. (he would say that, wouldnt he! - although clearly there is no evidence to prove otherwise either)
So for him to get off free - is further proof the system does not work ,and the sentences handed out are abitrary. Whether you are liked by Tygart or not. (just like contador and the spanish)!
Hincapie should get a life ban for doping, conspiracy to dope, and owning up to supplying on occasion - perhaps commuted to 2 years for owning up in the end at the point of a gun. He got off scott free in essence.
My repeated issue is - the rules should be rules whoever you are, they should be sanctioned by people with no national ties to avoid variations in whether you are liked by your federation, and should be sanctioned outside UCI who are conflicted. The prosecutors case (that USADA document,) then is at least viewed with critical balance alongside any defence so that judge and prosecutor are not the same.
Allof you here - just because you approve of the severity of the sentence for Lance matters not a jot. It is whether it is the right penalty according to the rules that matters, without which is anarchy.