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what the???

Jan 20, 2010
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It looked like he was about to have yet another crash and had to lean on the old guy to stay upright lol.

Low speed bike skills not quite the same as they once were? Mind you neither are the high speed skills.
Jun 16, 2009
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I can not tell what Lance says to the guy but the guy steps in front of Lance and if Lance did not lower his shoulder the guy would have forced Lance into the ropes and one of the poles holding the ropes up. Also it looks to me like the guy was walking next to the fence and at the last second stepped out into the middle of the passage between the fence and the ropes. If he would have stayed near the fence Lance would not have been forced to touch him to get by.
Jun 9, 2010
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Faking moron... If I were there I would kick him sooo hard... He has to show more respect for senior ppl... And some ppl shows that guy as an example of sportmanship... pfff... :mad:
May 25, 2010
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Remember when it was written never to 'corner' Lance, by Kristin, regarding his defensive and combative and hostile character? Remember how his teammates and friends always said how he came to france to 'kick the living ****e out of his competitors'? I think he either has a mood or character disorder or has a drug problem or was not loved by a dad or has no hope outside of crushing people in competition. He'll be in a dementia ward when he's 80, wheelchair racing and Renshawing people to the bingo table, calling them f-ing trolls with no friends left in the world.
Jul 19, 2010
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Yeah more Lance hate here. We get it you don't like him he's a cheat, doper, scumbag, etc ...

I'd like to see ANYONE on this board ride a stage in the TDF up some mountains and lose in the last 1 KM.

After the race why are there so many f'n people blindly walking around anyhow?
Jun 15, 2009
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drtomiumb said:
. . . wheelchair racing and Renshawing people to the bingo table, calling them f-ing trolls with no friends left in the world.

That conjured up some pretty sweet images! Any cartoonists around here who want to run with that?
Jul 16, 2010
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drtomiumb said:
Remember when it was written never to 'corner' Lance, by Kristin, regarding his defensive and combative and hostile character? Remember how his teammates and friends always said how he came to france to 'kick the living ****e out of his competitors'? I think he either has a mood or character disorder or has a drug problem or was not loved by a dad or has no hope outside of crushing people in competition. He'll be in a dementia ward when he's 80, wheelchair racing and Renshawing people to the bingo table, calling them f-ing trolls with no friends left in the world.

He has never met his father and he hated his stepfather. Armstrong is the surname of his stepfather by the way, he wasn't born with that name.

He also had little friends at high school lol.

When he was a teenager he often took his bike and rode for hours on it. Then he realized he was so far away from home that he had to call his mom to pick him up lol.
Jul 8, 2010
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That old man was blocking Lance's path. I'd have ridden over him. He was a jerk.

And then the camera guy was in Lance's face. Give him a moment to get some air for god sake. I'd have decked him hard instead of just pushing him away and saying "Get off".

Poor Lance being hounded by idiots.
Jul 20, 2010
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That's Lance, can't stand losing, and he is losing big time. You should know when is your time to retire. What were JB and most of the Astana guys that moved to Radio Shack looking for when they decided to follow this expired champion? Money I guess. I hope they enjoy watching their former leader, AC, kicking their asses.
May 9, 2009
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+1......more reason pharmboy is a lopsided tw@t.

Hopefully, as soon as everyone forgets about him, he'll end up doing some kind of "celebrity" boxing matches to try and regain his stardom.
Hopefully he'll be fighting VINO!.

May 15, 2010
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I am a certified Lance Hater, but....

It was funny. But I can only see one thing he did that was worthy of criticism: when the old guy stepped in front of him, all you do is say 'Behind You.' And a certified wheelsucker should be used to that.

But otoh, he was exhausted, constantly surrounded and it's just ridiculous how people won't respect someone's personal space.

Plus it's free refill day down at Ferrari's buffet and he didn't want to miss the early bird discount.
Nov 24, 2009
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Steel4Ever said:
I think what you meant to write was: "What a tw@t."

I actually meant to write :

What a 'Medieval King from Denmark who ruled the British Isles from 1016 to 1035.'

I'll leave you to wikipedia that


Mar 11, 2009
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Yawn - that was a mild scrum compared to many post race rumbles.

C'mon, the gentle lean into that BMC guy was mostly a defensive move.

And how about the guy chasing Lance who is taking the video.
It would be funny to have a video of him trying to keep up:)

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