Realist- Yes I agree with you regards my weaving in @ 10 mins example. I thought it obviously innacurate after I went back to work. Was a hyped statement more for effect than particular accuracy. Indeed if all are on the same level the group comes in similar/same regardless. I do wonder about 180-200km stages 4-5 days a week being doable clean?
Also I have opinions as a life time rider of 2 wheels-both road and trail and commuter, but never been a racer, so some of my opinion is based on conjecture, and open to correction.
The only point I can reliably make is the one to the nature of ambition, achievement, and the desire to be first,best,get the food, get the whatever, etc etc, that propels our species. All species. And the old saw about the Hydra-chop off one head and 100 new appear.
Another interesting aspect to ponder, although impossible realistically, is a side-by-side pro tour of clean saint peleton, and the criminal gladiators peleton. Who would get more attention, air time and $$$$'s. Hard to go back maybe to the good ol' Coffe and coka days now. Amgens ToC for example...
Reading the comments again I must add that I do believe it is worthwhile to push for a purge of PED's. If not then the sport will become the WWF on wheels. It already is getting kind of strange out there-headbutts being todays new form...nice 'style'.
Nice thread discussion...thanks.