The current crop of olympic distance triathlete have no need of riding fast, if you can swim under 18 minutes, then all you need to do is hang on and then the fastest runner wins. This is why gomez and brownlee dominate, noone can swim away from them, so they only need hangon, and then their runs are amazing. However if they concentrated on cycling, I don't know.
Macca and Crowie are great riders, Macca is a friend of Stu O'grady and they ride together sometimes when both in the country. The best cyclists in triathlon tend towards ironman as they can take advantage of their strength, however, once they make the change I think it would be hard to go back to something requiring explosive power or even a high 30min max.
Didn't know motram considered a switch I knew he did a few for fun to see how he'd go, if he's interested in the change I'm happy to coach him.
SLSC ironmen...don't see it, too much upper body, though the distances and energy systems would be similar. Again not the coolangatta gold as there is no need for a long sustained effort in cycling. I mean you draft most of the day, and then really are holding max, for what? an hour. The shorter distances might impress in a 4000 though.
Caine Eckstein to triathlon? Can't believe his run time is even close to being competitive, to crack the aussie team he'd need close to a 30min 10km. I might rate his chances by Rio, not London. I can see him in non drafting tri's or ironman being a real force.