lanternrouge said:
My thoughts? You are an idiot. Completer and utter tosh!
Care to back that up with an argument? Or are you another British sook? Have a go at the aussie riders if you feel the need. I don't have blind patriotic vitriol (not that you do) but take a swing of if you feel.
So the rider who is one of the most outspoken about doping and who is willing to provide blood profiles from last 10 years is wanting to start doping?
Compared to whom? LA? Riis? Liggett? Such is the history and nature of cycling, one does not get pre-supported virtue and credibility because cycling has a disgusting past. Read the other posts. Wiggins has never unequivocably stated he is against drugs. He gives responses that are calculated to a degree that will convince the listener he is clean. Most pro athletes do this. Take a look at what the PED's do and how he's improved. It is more than questionable. When Wiggins posts
ALL his blood results and full physiological data and stops kissing the known dopers asses, then and only then, will what you typed
lanternrouge be applicable. You can try to unhinge the right to question, but it is a universal freedom. Which is all I did. In future listen to riders words, document (file in your head) and when another statement or performance is given you can correlate, critique and when something smells wrong....question!
Since when does a rider have to change teams to take drugs? Is this the same clean garmin that wants to sign a certain spanish rider of dubious at best peurto history?
To answer the first question, a rider doesn't have to change teams, but my point was more direct. Garmin at least deserve an iota of removal of doubt in terms of validity. Given this, it is quite reasonable for a person to think that if there is the slightest hope Garmin aren't hoodwinking a gullible public (this bit isn't up for debate) that if Wiggin expects to back up his goals he will need more than they can give medically and pharmacologically. Second question. JV has been on this forum. His bluff has already been called. If Astana lose their license (they don't deserve to but most likely will) Contador will leave and for Caisse d'Epargne, not Garmin. The logic behind such a hypothetical move should it materialise is crystal clear
IF you have a brain. Figure it out for yourself.
Not content with smearing wiggins good name and reputation you are also suggesting that to kick start this tour winning doping programme he wants to go to Sky who are anti doping in the strictist sense.
Yes and the team is masterminded by the same genius Englishman/Scot/Welsh Brit who brought home 8 gold 4 silver and 2 bronze in Beijing. You are gullible. For the record...the team was set up by and will be led primarily by aussies...with an aussie backer. But it sounds better if it has a pommie twang.
I for one hope that several law suits are winging their way to you as we speak.
You obviously have not read my previous posts. I know more about the law than you could squish into you brain in two lifetimes. Nice try, I'm trembling in my boots. Pro riders and teams couldn't give a stuff about what is typed and posted in online forums. Except when it interrupts their marketing and PR message, then they pop up for a second and throw in a curve ball for the unweary and naive posters.
For those who wondered, Wiggins was chucking a hissy fit in the ITT. Sour grapes for underperforming with his knock directed at Larsson. Fits in well with a gloablly accepted British stereotype. Why he felt the need to bag Garmin at the time is beyond me, but given the cumulative weight of his entire carrer, I would not be shocked if he got a sniff after France and thinks he is good enough to get more...albeit with some help.
The only type of rider I will throw my support entirely behind in a "I'm clean" sense is the one who comes out and says what most on the clinic suspect. 'Cycling is dirty, my competitors are more than likely dirty and I believe such and such is dirty'... we mostly only hear French riders say this. Cadel dodged such a question yesterday..."It's not my place." I ask whose place is it then, after the aussie media applied the phrase "accepted clean rider"? IF he is clean why can't he answer the question?