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Xztt is who?? Guess?

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Jul 4, 2011
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Most likely David Kemp.

Some c*ck ups among them, including by the UCI. He gets a notice of the positive 4 months later instead of 7 working days and in that time he signs a contract with Willems with a 150k compensation if popped.

It's only banned in competition, and is reported below the supposed threshold for determining a positive. May have gone on a hooker and blow run prior to the race.

Jan 15, 2011
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That guy said:
Amazing that no one is asking who this guy is.

There is a confidentiality order in place - so please respect this ... at paragraphs 230 to 233 of the Decision


In earlier interlocutory proceedings in this matter, a differently constituted Tribunal determined that the athlete who filed this application for review was to be referred to by the letters XZTT. The Tribunal’s conclusion that an entry be made in the Register will require that entry to name the athlete.
Counsel for the Respondent advised the Tribunal that, special circumstances aside, an entry in the Register does not become a public document. Continuing the effect of the interlocutory decision would not be a matter of futility.
Neither party submitted that the interlocutory order should be discharged, or that it was in the public interest that the name of the athlete be made public as a result of these proceedings.
In those circumstances, the Tribunal is satisfied that the most appropriate reconciliation of the rights of the athlete with the Tribunal’s obligations to give reasons is that the Tribunal will provide its unedited reasons to the parties, but will order that in the version to be published the name of the athlete referred to in paragraphs 44, 47 and 227 be replaced with the letters XZTT and, in compliance with the Tribunal’s identity theft and anonymisation policy, the athlete’s date of birth, wherever referred to, be replaced with the letters dd/mm/yyyy.
Feb 22, 2011
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First of all whoever started this thread please read the other thread on this case. Whoever has submitted names above is very close to being in contempt. The penalties for this are quite severe. I dont know if you have ever been in jail bit it aint fun. I think the best thing CN can do is close down this thread immediately. Shortleg has referred to the relevant part of the judgment. As the advocate for XZTT in the Tribunal I am probably obliged to bring this thread to the Tribunal's attention.
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