will novitzky take up the afld’s offer, who can it help ?
how significant and relevant can it become if novi follows up on the offer and the test comes up positive ?
personally, I feel a singular retest of the 1999 sample (in 2010 or 2011) even if confirming the 2005 six positives would be of limited value.
if we are to follow the investigative logic emerging from the leaks so far it appears that novi is interested in exploring a much bigger question - was doping part of Armstrong’s professional career since the very beginning ?
when the 1999 positives are plotted along the ‘hospital room admission in 1996, the 2001-02 uci-suppressed positives, the anderson gerona steroid findings…and the other numerable doping facts dated to 1999-2005 (from the sca and lemond/track arbitration) a very damming picture of a committed, long-term user can be built.
another important point can be gleaned from the retest - was there a conspiracy ?
as i understand it, there is enough urine left to run both the latest super duper epo test (with all the bells and whistles required by the very latest wada epo techdocument) and the dna test.
hence the picture of a long-running fraud and lies can be uncovered conclusively.