So I have offered to step up, and been accepted.
I am still hoping to share the load with others, so maybe the idea that I am here might make it more palatable for you to put your name forward too:
@SHaines has been helpful and reassuring. Thanks to
@Red Rick and
@Eshnar for their work, and their words to me while I have been deciding.
My approach to the board is that it is, like our taking interest in the sport, a diversion that is meant to be entertaining and relaxing, and maybe something we learn from as we go: it exists because it's enjoyable. If that is what it is for all of us, then my role shouldn't be much more that stickying threads. I'm sure most of you will keep it that way. Civility will be my watchword.
My main purpose in coming to the forum will be as it ever has been, to read and join in the threads I am interested in. That's not all of them, so don't expect me to be aware of everything in every thread: you'll have to use the report function to alert me. And don't expect me to react instantly: despite the evidence of the CQ games, I do work and sleep.
And when I am posting other than explicitly as a moderator (and I will always try to make that clear when I am), please don't take it as anything other than what I would have been posting otherwise. The puns will remain as bad as ever, and they are my fault, not that of Future Publishing.
Now, will I be allowed to ban people who don't sign up for the Giro CQ game?...