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AFLD - Invasion of Privacy??


Mar 11, 2009
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Inspector Boudry recently called a "press conference" where he announced,
among other things, that they found the prescription drug Valpromide
while picking through the garbage from Team Hotels:


Valpromide is a drug used to help treat "psychiatric disorders". This drug is
NOT banned by WADA for crying out loud. Why such a public announcement?

I don't know - does anyone else find it a bit DISTURBING that a Government
Agency is sifting through citizens trash and then calling "press conferences"
to discuss what they find?

All that said - who do you think is the NUTTER in the peloton??
There were actually quite a few riders that were acting kind of weird this year;(
Jul 14, 2009
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In the US we have had a few really big cases where the drug company has data showing that a drug is effective treating a problem that the drug is not approved. So any empty pill bottles found could have been perscribed by yet another cycling quack with a less than a healing motive. Turns out lots of doctors are pill salesmen,who knew


Mar 11, 2009
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Toys in the Attic

scribe said:
Who would dump their program materials in the Hotel garbage? Enquiring minds want to know.

I agree - you would have to be CRAZY to dump your Valpromide in the hotel garbage;);)
Aug 4, 2009
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I had one of these idiots write and publish a report stating a Doctor was not qualified and was inexperienced.

Turns out the Doctor is a Proffesor of Medicine . Cant wait to see the dammages bill.
Oct 26, 2009
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al_pacino said:
Shouldn't riders be declaring anything they take, then we have no need for this sort of announcement.

Would you want to give private info to the people that always seem to "leak" info...? :D

I think the real point is that there was not need for the announcement, so unless you're trying to damage the sport, why bother?
They found the drug in the hotel garbage after the fact and there is no details about whether they were casing the hotels to keep an eye on when the teams threw out their garbage. It is hard to know whether anything found in such a way is from a rider, team staff, or just someone else working or staying at the hotel. Personally, I find the AFLD's public comments laughable. The organization seems much more interested in headlines than doing their job. If done right, the anti-doping effort would be done efficiently and accurately with no politics and drama. I see no reason that privacy should be violated.


Mar 11, 2009
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Race Radio said:
USPS was caught dumping their dope and syringes, it should not be a surprise.

Syringes are not illegal.

They have been used by Neutral Support Doctors and Team Doctors for decades.

Heck, if you dig deep enough into the dumps of France you will uncover
syringes from the LeMond era. Some with harmless iron remnants.
Syringes are not evil lol.



Mar 11, 2009
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al_pacino said:
Shouldn't riders be declaring anything they take, then we have no need for this sort of announcement.

Not sure if a rider would need to declare Valpromide.

But Inspector Boudry has no evidence it is from a rider. It could have been
used by a team soigneur, team mechanic, team cook, or a member of the hotel cleaning staff.

You are right Mr Pacino, "we have no need for this sort of announcement".
Inspector Boudry's showboating is méprisable sorry
Jul 19, 2009
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Polish said:
Not sure if a rider would need to declare Valpromide.

But Inspector Boudry has no evidence it is from a rider. It could have been
used by a team soigneur, team mechanic, team cook, or a member of the hotel cleaning staff.
Some years ago people were saying that Actovegin was not for doping purposes...

Do you believe that all viagra pills were just for fun? Did you have found that piece of news stupid too?

I would not be surprise if Valpromide is a PED or a masking agent.


Mar 11, 2009
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call a doctor if an erection lasts longer than 4 hours.

poupou said:
Did you have found that piece of news stupid too?

Not as stupid as a grown man from Southern California dressing up in a homemade yellow/black ensemble complete with syringes made from paper towel rolls who runs alongside the peloton.

At least Inspector Boudry wears a suit and tie when HE tries to get attention:)
Apr 22, 2009
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poupou said:
Some years ago people were saying that Actovegin was not for doping purposes...

Do you believe that all viagra pills were just for fun? Did you have found that piece of news stupid too?

I would not be surprise if Valpromide is a PED or a masking agent.

The question is, what's AFLD's have policy for dealing with this type of issue? Obviously AFLD (or WADA, etc) will from time to time discover that a previously unlisted drug is possibly being used for doping purposes; they must have a procedure for this situation. Does the procedure say that their president should initiate a round of innuendo in the media? I really doubt that.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that an anti-convulsant has use as a PED. But Bordry is supposed to be a professional scientist. He should act like one.
I have no problem with the search, and attempts by AFLD or WADA to discover who may be doping with what, and what new methods of doping are being used, which appears to be the initial motive here. Let's face it, our sport has a serious doping problem, and a reputation as being rife with doping.

I don't completely understand the reason for the press release though.
Sep 15, 2009
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HoustonHammer said:
The question is, what's AFLD's have policy for dealing with this type of issue? Obviously AFLD (or WADA, etc) will from time to time discover that a previously unlisted drug is possibly being used for doping purposes; they must have a procedure for this situation. Does the procedure say that their president should initiate a round of innuendo in the media? I really doubt that.

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that an anti-convulsant has use as a PED. But Bordry is supposed to be a professional scientist. He should act like one.

Why would it matter if they had a procedure, they've shown in the past that even if they have them that they don't follow them very well.
Jun 15, 2009
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Alpe d'Huez said:
I have no problem with the search, and attempts by AFLD or WADA to discover who may be doping with what, and what new methods of doping are being used, which appears to be the initial motive here. Let's face it, our sport has a serious doping problem, and a reputation as being rife with doping.

I don't completely understand the reason for the press release though.[/QUOTE

I knew you and "Race Radio" would support this. The reason you don't understand the reason for the press release is that you are unable to accept the fact that Ispector Boudry is is a publicity seeking hack and the only consistent competence his organization has shown is their ability to leak confidential information to l'Equipe. You sure enjoy trashing cycling. I wonder if you actually own a bike.
Jun 15, 2009
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Race Radio said:
USPS was caught dumping their dope and syringes, it should not be a surprise.

This is a lie! The incident you are referring to is when a French TV crew followed the USPS team, about 2002, I believe, and retrieved some rubbish they discarded in a dumpster. The French media went ballistic with their exposé and the AFLD spent at least the next two months testing and retesting everything that was found. Guess what, no doping products or traces of doping products were found. Another damp squib but enough to feed the frenzy of conspiracy theorists and cycling bashers. As the late Dr. Goebbels said "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it".
Oldnell said:
I knew you and "Race Radio" would support this. The reason you don't understand the reason for the press release is that you are unable to accept the fact that Ispector Boudry is is a publicity seeking hack and the only consistent competence his organization has shown is their ability to leak confidential information to l'Equipe. You sure enjoy trashing cycling. I wonder if you actually own a bike.

Oh look, dipstick is back for another romp through the forum. If wanting pro cycling to be (a lot) more drug free than it obviously is now is "trashing cycling" then sign me up as well.
Aug 13, 2009
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Oldnell said:
This is a lie! The incident you are referring to is when a French TV crew followed the USPS team, about 2002, I believe, and retrieved some rubbish they discarded in a dumpster. The French media went ballistic with their exposé and the AFLD spent at least the next two months testing and retesting everything that was found. Guess what, no doping products or traces of doping products were found. Another damp squib but enough to feed the frenzy of conspiracy theorists and cycling bashers. As the late Dr. Goebbels said "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it".

It appears you are following the Goebbels methods

The AFLD did not exist back then, hence no action. If you believe that multiple bags of Actovigen, Insulin, and 160 syringes are not doping products then you and Polish clearly do not understand the issue as your hero worship blinds you from rational thought.

As for how much I ride, 25 years and counting. I saw my first Grand Tour live in 1982 when I was 14.
Aug 25, 2009
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Oldnell said:
Alpe d'Huez said:
I have no problem with the search, and attempts by AFLD or WADA to discover who may be doping with what, and what new methods of doping are being used, which appears to be the initial motive here. Let's face it, our sport has a serious doping problem, and a reputation as being rife with doping.

I don't completely understand the reason for the press release though.

I knew you and "Race Radio" would support this. The reason you don't understand the reason for the press release is that you are unable to accept the fact that Ispector Boudry is is a publicity seeking hack and the only consistent competence his organization has shown is their ability to leak confidential information to l'Equipe. You sure enjoy trashing cycling. I wonder if you actually own a bike.

There's a few posters here who probably deserve that blast, a bit unfair on Alpe d'Huez though.
Jul 14, 2009
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progressor said:
There's a few posters here who probably deserve that blast, a bit unfair on Alpe d'Huez though.

After not such a close review of all this.. it would appear that bike racing is the human reflection of horse racing. The people who bet and the people who keep and ride race horses. The sport has a constant float of something other than blood. One thing for sure the 2 groups will never understand each other. With a 9 and a half month season drugs are the sport.