Always a funny video. That is the poster boy for the Haters. It's rather humorous. He probably won the award for sending Lance the most emails.
Cycling has always attracted a strange crowd, but the haters in cycling took "hating" to the next level. It's amusing and sad at the same time. But it must be connected to how any regular joe can go out and buy a pretty bike and jersey and attempt to "look pro" on the road.
Then they get mad because they realize nobody (except their gay cycling buddies who are equally as screwed up) gives a sh*t that they rode 60 miles. And they also get mad because they'll never win a real race (because everybody else dopes, right?).
They should start a charity to help the Haters. Maybe we could build a website and make little fake trophies for them and maybe they'll feel special enough to stop whining about the real pros.