Fatclimber said:
Americans are just mad that they don't dominate the sprinting scene anymore. Jamaican coaches are by far the best and most knowledgable in the world, and they are all required to pass a rigorous test of integrity before they become a certified coach. Sprinting is their contries' most coveted sport, there's no way any of their coaches would allow some such nonsense like doping to occur. It is not worth the risk. I know, I have looked them in the eyes. Jamaican coaches also have their athletes do a lot of core work, all it takes is one look at the rest of the field to know that they do none.
Everybody that's hating up on Bolts obviously didn't watch the race.
I agree. I am an American and we have always had an anti US bias in the sprints. The moment we get beat its " the other guys are cheating."
Now when i was running there were quite a few good white high school sprinters, but college coaches would always convert them to another event because"the best sprinters were black". Then when our guys get spanked by a white guy, well he had to cheat because no white guys are fast. We always had lousy stick passing but instead of learning how to pass properly we always got by by the skin of our teeth. Funny how 4 black guys who are "genetically superior" barely beat 4 white guys. Couldnt be lousy passing must be white boys doping. Always an ezcuse instead of working to be better. Now that attitude has finally bit us in the rear.
Now it is a black guy who is very tall, Bolt is like 6 ft 5 that is a tremendous natural advantage if he can maintain his stride length and keep a high turnover. Despite that sprinting is all about
being relaxed as you work at a very high output(if you tighten up you slow down) and this guy personifies relaxation, suddenly he is a major doper.
Did anyone notice his relay leg? not as relaxed, not as fast.
I dont know if it just an American thing but we tend to discount other peoples efforts when they beat us. Then we stick on some arbitrary excuse because it doesnt jibe with our preconceived notions.
We lost alot of ground because we thought only black guys from Africa could run distance. But when you look at our high school milers almost all the fastest times are from the 60's & 70's.
So our talent pool had gotten fat & lazy while the rest of the world kept working. Then we see white distance runners from Australia & Europe running stride for stride with the Kenyans and it is quite clear we are dogging it. Now a few of our guys are not being intimidated and they are starting to make improvements, like Ryan Hall in the marathon.
While it might appear Bolt is a doper I think it is just the US trying to justify our laziness in coaching & athletes