If folk are to be believed, cycling - racing - is inherently unhealthy.
Did Hippocrates really say that "The athletic development is not natural; much better the ordinary healthy condition of the body”? Who cares! It's too good not to be true!
We haven't quite had anyone saying that a good Tour takes a year off your life, a bad one more (Philippa York was full of crap science even pre-transition and credulous hacks hanging on to her every word) but we're getting there, with the claim that riders are looking 10 years older than their real age.
The problem with this bullcrap is that, as usual, the evidence does not back it up.
Sanchis-Gomar et al's
2011 paper Increased average longevity among the "Tour de France" cyclists doesn't support this pet theory beloved by some ("Our major finding is that repeated very intense exercise prolongs life span in well trained practitioners").
Marijon et al's
2013 paper Mortality of French participants in the Tour de France (1947-2012) doesn't support this pet theory beloved by some ("We observed a substantially and significantly lower mortality in participants in the Tour de France, compared with the general male population.").
2021 paper Tour de France 'yellow jersey' wearers live significantly longer doesn't support this pet theory beloved by some ("these and other results now seem to challenge the common belief that large lifetime volumes of exercise could be harmful to health and thus longevity.").
But, yeah, despite the evidence, all that cycling that cyclists do, of course it's the problem. Has to be, people with heart problems say it, and they're the experts in this stuff.