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Teams & Riders Chris Froome Discussion Thread.

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Is Froome over the hill?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 32 31.7%
  • No, the GC finished 40 minutes ago but Froomie is still climbing it

    Votes: 58 57.4%
  • No he is totally winning the Vuelta

    Votes: 23 22.8%

  • Total voters
May 26, 2012
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Carols said:
A first over the line in the Giro by 6+ mins; plus the Classification jersey, and a 5th in the Tour (3:57) is a better showing.

Difficult to compare 2011 Tour to 2012 Vueta. Fewer MTFs, less brutal gradients and far fewer attacks. That said, The Giro win makes up for it due to how dominant he was.

I expect Contador to prevail but we just don't know how good Froome is because of illness/fatigue/having to submit to team order. Could be a good battle
Also, Cadel Evans managed 2nd + 4th in the Tour and Vuelta 2007.

Tour +23"
Vuelta +3'56"
Total +4'19"

Tour +3'21"
Vuelta +10'16"
Total +13'37"

So I'd give that one to Evans too. Sastre was also 4th in the Tour, 2nd in the Vuelta that year, but I'd say the 2nd in the Tour trumps that in Froome's favour (and of course Sastre's 2007 is eclipsed by his 1st and 3rd in 2008).
Jul 17, 2012
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I would put money on Wiggins leading Sky at next years Tour, think he will be put in the driving seat to defend his title. What that means for Froome is difficult to gauge: Brailsford has talked about winning all 3 GTs in a year as an ambition (albeit a very grand one). With current personnel the most obvious choice would be to put Froome as leader for the Giro/Vuelta and Wiggo for the Tour.

However given the likely brutal nature of the anniversary Tour, taking Froome out of the tour team will massively dilute Sky's assault. Personally I think they will try to copy this year's effort as closely as possible, so their 'A' team for the Tour and more opportunistic assault on the other two. That could all change depending on who they sign of course.

Personally I think divide them and build seperate teams around them, Sky has the strength to do it, but I just don't think they will want to leave things to that much chance. They will want the Tour the most of course: would Froome be willing to ride for Wiggins again, and will they play it more by ear and see who has got the strongest legs after a week?

Pure conjecture is fun
I think they'll want to have Froome on the "mountaineous" TDF next year but likely with a free role to follow Contador when he attacks and he will and Wiggo won't change his rythm. That means they need a better climber than this year to stay with Wiggo when Froome takes off...well they should have had Suitsou, but Uran and/or Henao will likely join in the fun.

Then Froome can try a Giro/Vuelta double in 2014...
In the tail end of episode 3 of "British Cycling: Road to Glory", there were highlights of the upcoming episode 4 which looks like we will see Sky's spin of whatever happened at TDF Stage 11.

"What the *BEEEP* just happened?"
"Get back!"

Will be interesting to watch!
Dec 30, 2011
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JimmyFingers said:
I would put money on Wiggins leading Sky at next years Tour, think he will be put in the driving seat to defend his title. What that means for Froome is difficult to gauge: Brailsford has talked about winning all 3 GTs in a year as an ambition (albeit a very grand one). With current personnel the most obvious choice would be to put Froome as leader for the Giro/Vuelta and Wiggo for the Tour.

However given the likely brutal nature of the anniversary Tour, taking Froome out of the tour team will massively dilute Sky's assault. Personally I think they will try to copy this year's effort as closely as possible, so their 'A' team for the Tour and more opportunistic assault on the other two. That could all change depending on who they sign of course.

Personally I think divide them and build seperate teams around them, Sky has the strength to do it, but I just don't think they will want to leave things to that much chance. They will want the Tour the most of course: would Froome be willing to ride for Wiggins again, and will they play it more by ear and see who has got the strongest legs after a week?

Pure conjecture is fun

How could Sky ever not pick Froome for their Tour team, knowing the possible consequences?
Dec 30, 2011
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webvan said:
I think they'll want to have Froome on the "mountaineous" TDF next year but likely with a free role to follow Contador when he attacks and he will and Wiggo won't change his rythm. That means they need a better climber than this year to stay with Wiggo when Froome takes off...well they should have had Suitsou, but Uran and/or Henao will likely join in the fun.

Then Froome can try a Giro/Vuelta double in 2014...

I find it hard to envisage Sky altering their way of racing GTs so drastically, by giving one of their strongest riders such a free role. Especially when their whole attitude of racing has been based around the fact that they are always working for a single goal and pooling all their resources behind that goal.
Froomey interview : http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/froome-looking-to-lead-sky-in-2013-tour-de-france

Needs a bit of editing but :

“I wouldn't say that it’s the factor but it’s definitely a factor. If all of that was still going on now there’s no way I could be able to keep with guys changing their blood every few days and using EPO. I just wouldn't be in the picture any more. I don't think I or Brad would be. It would be a different speed as the French call it. I wouldn't be able to perform the way U am now if doping was prevalent.”

ok, sounds reasonable...

“That would be up to the management to decide on how to work it tactically. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. A lot will depend on the route and I think that the team are quite fair like that. If they are going to send the best depending on the route, then Brad’s strength is time trial and mine is on the climbs.”

Froome’s vocal stance on his grand tour ambitions is a stark contrast to Wiggins, who has remained quiet up until now. As the defending champion his voice will be louder than his teammates, but Froome is certain on one thing: if leadership at the Tour is not passed to him then he will look to the Giro or the Vuelta but he is clear on one key element.

"I’d like to be at the Tour but if not then Vuelta or the Giro. But I want to be 100 per cent ready to race with a team behind me. That's got to be the next step.”

Doesn't sound too convinced but it does mean he won't challenge Wiggo is he decides to defend his title...or won't help him.
webvan said:
Sounds like Armstrong talking about Ullrich...mind games begin.

not quite sure- AC does acknowledge what Froome is capable of in top form: He knows "he is the real danger, since he can climb very well & out do him in the ITT" ---Unlike Andy Schleck--- so he's right about the Kenyan.... maybe the advantage for AC are tactics & experience but as far as physical abilities-they're close....
Jul 10, 2010
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Ryo Hazuki said:
to me it seems froome deep down is a gregario, only those arround him make him nuts to challenge for leadership. he isn't a leader.

Wow, pretty dismissive of Froome-dog. I don't know. You could be right, but I think he is a little more than just a follower. Perhaps not one of the natural leaders, as AC seems to be, but not so far off that he can't grow into the role.
Mar 31, 2010
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hiero2 said:
Wow, pretty dismissive of Froome-dog. I don't know. You could be right, but I think he is a little more than just a follower. Perhaps not one of the natural leaders, as AC seems to be, but not so far off that he can't grow into the role.

name me a regular rider/personality that transformed into a leader?
Mar 31, 2010
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theyoungest said:
Bradley Wiggins?

he was always like that. and he sure as hell was never a helper, nor in mind or in deeds.

I think a rider to have ultimate succes needs both the amazing talent and leadership personality. ullrich is a good example that even with monsterous talent, a lack of leadership costs results imo(I know this is tricky with lance etc but he also got his *** handed by pantani in tour 1998 that is illustrative for this), pantani was like 10 minutes behind after first tour week.

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