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Cleanest GC Rider of the Doping Decade

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Mar 13, 2009
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Jonathan said:
Isn't Danielson always mentioned in those "Who is the biggest wasted talent" threads? Those discussions might be a good place to start looking for clean riders.

Eskimo Tom is also a Ferrari client. Someone pull out that training camp picture with Ferrari and his posse. Danielson front and centre...
ludwig said:
Even Moncoutie is suspect to me. And you can't really call him a GC rider. More like a stage hunter. And I seriously doubt he wins all those Vuelta stages clean...sorry...jaded.

"J’ai passé sept années chez Cofidis et, durant tout ce temps, je n’ai côtoyé que deux coureurs qui ne prenaient pas de produits: l’Estonien Janek Tombak et, surtout, le Français David Moncoutié", Gaumont, Philippe (2005), Prisonnier du Dopage, Grasset, France

Short translation: According to Philippe Gaumont there were only 2 riders during his 7 years at Cofidis that did not use dope: Janek Tombak and David Moncoutie.

Von Mises said:
David Moncoutié came 13th overall in 2002 Tour. I would not say he flonked later, but next time he was that close to overall GC standing was in 2008 Vuleta when he came 8th.
His performances from 2003 till 2006 were comparable or even better then in the years before. He won 2 TDF-stages, 2 mountain king overall in paris nice, 6th & 11th overall dauphine, 8th overall tour of romandia and 2 top ten finishes in classics (san sebastian and zurich) in these years. More then comparable with the previous years. The only thing he didn't do was go for a GC in the tour (and not sure, but wasnt his 13th overall in 2002 not due to a breakaway?).

The statement of Gaumont coupled with moncoutie's comparable performances before and after Gaumont's remarks make me believe that Davide is racing clean. A 8th overall should be possible considering his racing cv combined with the vuelta having less quality competition.
Apr 29, 2009
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Jonathan said:
Moncoutie might be clean, perhaps Cunego. In the previous decade, Charly Mottet has been named as a clean GC rider. I'm also thinking of Bradley McGee.

What are the chances that Zuelle was clean in the 1999 Tour? If he was, that would have been the most amazing clean performance ever.

Zulle Clean in 99? Not a chance, I raced this loaded juice ball in 91 (or around there) in the GP Willem Tell in Switzerland, he slaughtered everyone by such huge margins on all terrain, there was no chance he was clean back then. Most riders were talking bout what he was on in the latter part of the season then. He was house painting for $$ and if he didnt pass pro by that season he was going to call it a day then. JUICE KING!
May 25, 2010
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My guess, I'm quite confident Evans and Basso are good examples. They chose not to have doctors has helpers but a well and internationally known trainer, Aldo Sassi, that's universally recognized as a firm and strong anti-dopers. Moreover, BAsso is putting online practically every medical value about his body, and everybody can access it (I did this morning and they are very precise and complete) .

I don't know in the past if they cheated (Basso of course yes, Evans no idea), but Sassi stated that Evans is the most powerful rider he had ever trained, and Basso plays his league, too.In the history of cycling there have always been very superclass riders, and probably those are among them.

I'll add present Cunego and Gendermann, and even current Valverde (he's so targeted he wouldn't dare, I believe) but of course he was so full during his kelme and illes balears days that he may be still under effects right now.
Roninho said:
"J’ai passé sept années chez Cofidis et, durant tout ce temps, je n’ai côtoyé que deux coureurs qui ne prenaient pas de produits: l’Estonien Janek Tombak et, surtout, le Français David Moncoutié", Gaumont, Philippe (2005), Prisonnier du Dopage, Grasset, France

Short translation: According to Philippe Gaumont there were only 2 riders during his 7 years at Cofidis that did not use dope: Janek Tombak and David Moncoutie.

Janek Tombak gave an intresting interview to Estonian newspaper couple of days ago. He said that first time when he saw doping products were in 2001 when he shared hotel room with Robert Sassone. Tombak speaks that hw went to minibar to take Cova-Cola but when he opened th door minibar was full of ampuls.

Tombak mentions that Sassone was also the person who offered him doping products sometimes later. Tombak says tha at first he agreed and placed the order, but later changed his mind and rejected the offer.

He does not mention more names, but says that there were others who took doping with two hands and coaches either knew it or at least had a hunch whats going on. Attitude from team changed in 2003, they started to change contracts of riders, team started to arrange controls. Tombak talks that the thing what riders feared most: cofidis started to take hair samples and send them to some lab in London (one sample 1500 pounds). Tombak says that one rider was so afraid of it that started to shave his whole body. Tombak does not mention the name, but the hint is that it was an australian rider who shaved his body. So, was O´Grady only australian in Cofidis?

In same articlel there is also short comment from Rein Taaramae, who says that at present there is no sucpicious cyclists in Cofidis and if somebody takes something they have to be very secretive. He also says that in their contracts there is a caluse yhat they cant shave whole body.
Apr 5, 2010
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CPAvelo said:
That may have been true before winning the World Championship. Now that he has become an attacker, suspicion now exists that Evans is clean.
huhuhuhuhhu dont be silly most all the peloton are doped hes no way in the world they can go has fast or attack and attack going at 60 km the last 40 kms hahahaha you make me all laugth they must perform or no one will signe them got it????????????
Jun 16, 2009
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ellenbrook2001 said:
huhuhuhuhhu dont be silly most all the peloton are doped hes no way in the world they can go has fast or attack and attack going at 60 km the last 40 kms hahahaha you make me all laugth they must perform or no one will signe them got it????????????

Spinnst du?

Anyway, thanks for the article Von Mises. I found it funny that in that article taaramae said that no body can shave their whole body.