Dr. Maserati said:
Can a Mod reopen the other thread?
This was the (JPMs) post from the closed thread:
I don't see why it should go to PMs.
The claims were made on the forum (and are still there), I don't see why they cannot be questioned but I don't wish to derail the existing thread which is why I opened a new one.
I haven't looked at that thread in detail, as it was closed before I got to it, but the overall direction of the post you made, and by the look of things caused you to post the thread in the first place, was to challenge one particular poster for comments he made, in which he stated wider things about the Clinic in general.
That post in particular would require the poster in question to go done a route, naming/shaming/finger-pointing, whatever you want to call it, that, as we have clearly stated, is not the direction we want to see things develop in here.
It reinforces the splitting the Clinic up into camps, stereotyping people, or pitching people against each other, even if your intent might well be to do the opposite.
In general, regardless of what you want to do in that thread, the only way that that thread will end up, is people having yet another arena to challenge and dance with each other. In an area that is here to talk about us.
We have given a clear hint that we want to have you guys talk more about posts than posters.
This opening line flies in the face of that:
I think it will also help clean up some threads by moving personal discussions about posters to a dedicated thread
I assume you can only mean specific posters, so the moment we start to discuss them, you are swimming upstream, when we clearly flagged folk to go more down it.
There is another reason why we discourage this: some people will be misidentified for having motivation a) for doing stuff, when they are actually falling under header b). Sometimes the mods know it's b) too.
Now the only way to waylay those claims, and stop being treated when some of you guys have convinced each other it can only possible be a), is for those posters to
prove it as b).
Sometimes, that is uncalled for, and not required to say the least. All the more if it some guy behind a PC demanding it, and being dead wrong for starters, and hardly showing an ability to give alternative explanations much reflection [not saying that that is you Dr].
Sometimes, the justification is really none of anyone's business.
In some cases, the mods actually do know more than you guys, but we are keeping stumm because it is appropriate. It would however be nice if some people heeded our requests to lay off a bit sometimes. We might actually have pretty good reasons, rather than agendas.
I don't think think that any of your guys are horrible people, but some of you are quicker to miss signals because of the "blind" nature of being online. I am utterly convinced that if some of you were in a pub together, some attitudes to each other would quickly temper. I suspect some of you would even be embarrassed if you knew how inappropriate some of the more sharper exchanges have been.
There are reasons why we try to avoid these open confrontations and exchanges, and ask folk to trust our judgement every now and then, even if we appear totally insane for not seeing "the obvious".
It is a tricky area, there is probably not one ideal way that is best suited to each and every case. But our general stance, that the namecalling and trollcalling is great, right up to the point that people have it oh so wrong, stands.
We discourage some debate not because we are prudes or control freaks, but because some of the issues it would raise are no-one's business except the posters in questions, and from time to time, the mods.
I already feel that even by explaining these things I lean further out than I am comfortable with, but at the same time we have done the gentle requests, the rationalizing, the argumentation, at times the threatening, which is the last thing I am here for.
I hope we can remain inclusive. I hope folk are hearing what I am saying. I can't and won't say more on that.
Everyone will be scrutinized, no-one gets a free reign. But at the same time, there is a reason why the mods are making the call what is appropriate, and why, without having to dot every i, as some stuff really does not concern you guys.
I get why you post this Dr, I honestly do. We even already started the debate about closing threads - or not- yet again, in the staff room.
Maybe what we do makes no sense to you. It is, however, done for very good reasons, or at least "the best of our abilities".
We won't make all the right calls, but at the same time, sometimes we can't be open about the "why's" either.
In this case, the thread was closed because of the direction it quickly took, without saying either one was at fault or breaking rules. Maybe guidelines, or heading against the the general hints we drop, about giving each other a bit more space to participate in.
We just closed the thread, nothing else happened. It wasn't a biggie, from our pov.
We don't welcome some discussions, no matter how well intended. Speculation follows, and assumptions, conclusions, etc. And all too apparent, at times, huge misjudgements that cannot be set right if folk refuse to take anyone else's word for it but their own.