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CN Forum members competitons referendum!

Should editing be allowed?

  • Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jun 16, 2009
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We need some new guidelines with these Competitions...

I propose:

1)i think editing should be allowed as you can see when they edited their posts to work out who picked the winner first.

2)A time limit needs to be adjusted because 10km out from the finish is too close to the end to close the thread. 50km out seems fair IMO.
Aug 16, 2009
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Hey AusChamiousfan.

I found this pick of you doing your reaserch for the Flanders competition.
Jun 16, 2009
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Moondance said:
I boycott this poll since I believe the poster is arguing out of self-interest rather than making a firm principled case :p

Also I fail to see how we have the authority to do anything about it.

power of the people!!!
Jun 22, 2009
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we should respect the forum rules. I think it is pretty brilliant CN keep offering these great prizes, so it isn't much to ask to abide by some simple rules.
Jun 16, 2009
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Timmy-loves-Rabo said:
we should respect the forum rules. I think it is pretty brilliant CN keep offering these great prizes, so it isn't much to ask to abide by some simple rules.


i was just trying to make some suggestions to improve it or make it more fair.
Jun 22, 2009
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Ferminal said:
Cutting it off at 50km++ out for a big race like Flanders might be more appropriate.

For a bunch vs breakaway stage, 10km is great.

I agree. Yesterday was more the first person to respond to athe situation then actually making a prediction.
Races like that, P-R, Ardennes should be at the 50km imo.

auscycle: yeah i understand, but it is perfectly fair.
Apr 29, 2009
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It should be the 3 riders that make the podium in any order. The cut off should be before the race starts. With no editing allowed.

But everyone will have a different opinion, so maybe we should leave it the way it is.
Nov 24, 2009
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Ferminal said:
Cutting it off at 50km++ out for a big race like Flanders might be more appropriate.

For a bunch vs breakaway stage, 10km is great.

I was going to say the same thing, though one of the problems is that how do you know for certain which race will end in a breakaway or which will end in a bunch sprint? Liege-Bastogne-Liege in recent memory has finished with both, I think.

I don't think the cut-off rule is a problem if enough people submit entries. The more people to respond, the less likelihood that the cut-off comes into play. I don't think having a cut-off before the competition begins would work as it might dissuade people from entering.

I don't see the point of allowing editing.
Jun 16, 2009
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trompe le monde said:
I don't see the point of allowing editing.

Makes it less congested and easier for susan to not have two different posts up there from the same poster. Don't see the point of making another post again.
Jun 22, 2009
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auscyclefan94 said:
Makes it less congested and easier for susan to not have two different posts up there from the same poster. Don't see the point of making another post again.
i think the point is to delete the original post though. Makes it easier if anything, however it does take more effort on our behalf, but ensures the best man wins.
I think the rules explicitly state that if you wish to change your entry, you should delete the first one entirely and submit a new one.

I agree that as a general rule, 10 km to go is too little. We were using 20 km for a while until we ran into a long streak where no one won.

It would not be practical to close entries before the race even starts, becuase of the time and our international readership.

I will continue to read this thread with interest. No guarantees that any suggestions will be adopted, of course!

Jun 16, 2009
Point A: Suck it up fatboy, you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Accept it. Even I could understand the rules, that means you'd have to be Grade B moron not to.

Point B: By making everyone have to post new picks it means that we don't have to trawl through every page to see if our pick is an original pick. The way it is, you can read through the thread starting on page 1 and then safely know that you only have to watch for new posts from then on. People seem to struggle coming up with unique picks as it is, don't make it harder.
Jun 16, 2009
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badboyberty said:
Point A: Suck it up fatboy, you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Accept it. Even I could understand the rules, that means you'd have to be Grade B moron not to.

Point B: By making everyone have to post new picks it means that we don't have to trawl through every page to see if our pick is an original pick. The way it is, you can read through the thread starting on page 1 and then safely know that you only have to watch for new posts from then on. People seem to struggle coming up with unique picks as it is, don't make it harder.

this is not me complaining because i edited but had the podium because firstly someone was before me anyway! just making some suggestions! settle down badboyberty!
Here's a thought or two, stage races cut off flat stages at 20km that way its a question of does the peloton pull the break back. On a stage that is basically on a mountain finish stop at 10km.

For all one day races at 50km, and any TT races before the stage starts.
Timmy-loves-Rabo said:
I agree. Yesterday was more the first person to respond to athe situation then actually making a prediction.


No it wasn't. When I put in my entry I had NO idea what was happening in the race, plus it was put in before Spartacus/Boonen broke free I believe. Actually I had no idea what happened in the race until 8:30PM, EDT.

I think picks should be made no later than 50K to go, but that is just my opinion and it would mean I'd have to get up very early considering the time differences.

Jul 11, 2009
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LOL at the poll results! Its funny that this was an open poll, and you could see that Ausfan was the only one to vote yes, now its a closed poll and its still obvious who has voted yes!

EDIT: Move this to the "About the forum" section please Ausfan has enough threads in here.
Jun 16, 2009
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53 x 11 said:
LOL at the poll results! Its funny that this was an open poll, and you could see that Ausfan was the only one to vote yes, now its a closed poll and its still obvious who has voted yes!

EDIT: Move this to the "About the forum" section please Ausfan has enough threads in here.

Why is it that I have too many threads in here? I am just making threads appropriate for the races coming because others like you are too lazy to do that! Point taken now about poll results!:eek:
Jun 22, 2009
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I have a suggestion. I notice a lot of members with a single post making predictions. This indicates to me that some members might be making double accounts (maybe not always the case...). You can check their I.P addresses, but they can use proxies and what not.. overall it can become complicated.

Anyway maybe a protocol (i.e member must have minimum of 100 posts to take part in competition to take part) of some sort could fix this in the future.

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