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CQ ranking

Page 35 - Get up to date with the latest news, scores & standings from the Cycling News Community.
Dec 27, 2010
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You think that's bad, I'm just looking forward to the end of the race as I've got 6 riders in the race, 5 points a piece if they make it to the end, wahoo! :lol:
Jan 18, 2010
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will10 said:
You think that's bad, I'm just looking forward to the end of the race as I've got 6 riders in the race, 5 points a piece if they make it to the end, wahoo! :lol:

I Have Grieple against my better judgement ( i cant stick the guy) so 25 points in the onion bag. The man is a walking points machine.

I'll be cheering on Cav, Swift, Blythe etc in front of him most of the time for proper race wins even though they dont figure in my team this time.
sublimit said:
I Have Grieple against my better judgement ( i cant stick the guy) so 25 points in the onion bag. The man is a walking points machine.

You see it as +25 points, i see it as -25 points.

Last year Greipel won stage 1 meaning he got 40 points + 10 for leaders jersey next day.

Those are 50 points you had to pay for Greipel.

This year he only gets 25 points. Thats 25 points lost. Will be minor over the whole season and he has plenty of time to make it up, but points lost nonetheless;)
Jan 18, 2010
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The Hitch said:
You see it as +25 points, i see it as -25 points.

Last year Greipel won stage 1 meaning he got 40 points + 10 for leaders jersey next day.

Those are 50 points you had to pay for Greipel.

This year he only gets 25 points. Thats 25 points lost. Will be minor over the whole season and he has plenty of time to make it up, but points lost nonetheless;)

I dont rate him as fast as Cav, Pettaci, Tyler, Goss or even Adam Blythe if they are on form but he will enter plenty of bigger races this year. I see him riding the Giro and the Tour and some of the classics so he will pick up points that he didnt last year. Possibly.

The weight loss issue could be that he is looking at M-S-R which he sat out last year. Anyway I still reckon he will get plenty of points and maybe grab a big win somewhere.
sublimit said:
I dont rate him as fast as Cav, Pettaci, Tyler, Goss or even Adam Blythe if they are on form but he will enter plenty of bigger races this year. I see him riding the Giro and the Tour and some of the classics so he will pick up points that he didnt last year. Possibly.

The weight loss issue could be that he is looking at M-S-R which he sat out last year. Anyway I still reckon he will grab plenty of points and maybe grab a big win somewhere.

CQ wise its often better to do small races. Greipel got 360 for TDU last year. Winning the worlds is worth 400. He got way over a hundred in races like Poland, Eneco and turkey, Vattenfalls and 50 + in Eneco, Ostereich rundfahrt ToB, and some small Spanish 1 dayers.

Doing a lot of small races when your greipel is a very very easy way to accumulate LOTS of points. In many cases, stepping up to the big time is a disadvantage (cq wise)

To conclude i will point out that Greipel got 217 more points last year than Cav.

So last year, the best sprinter doing small races, got significantly more points than the best sprinter doing the big races.
Nov 17, 2009
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Where was quickstep? I was hoping for a low placing at least from these sprints with Ciolek/Chicchi... but no quickstep rider was even in the mix.

Jan 18, 2010
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The Hitch said:
CQ wise its often better to do small races. Greipel got 360 for TDU last year. Winning the worlds is worth 400. He got way over a hundred in races like Poland, Eneco and turkey, Vattenfalls and 50 + in Eneco, Ostereich rundfahrt ToB, and some small Spanish 1 dayers.

Doing a lot of small races when your greipel is a very very easy way to accumulate LOTS of points. In many cases, stepping up to the big time is a disadvantage (cq wise)

To conclude i will point out that Greipel got 217 more points last year than Cav.

So last year, the best sprinter doing small races, got significantly more points than the best sprinter doing the big races.

I still see him riding most of the smaller races that he did last as well as the bigger ones he missed out on due to Cav being the go-to rider. The Worlds could be another chance for him also.

Cav is right he rides loads of **** races but add to that a couple of GT's and a few classics he will pick up plenty of points.
sublimit said:
I still see him riding most of the smaller races that he did last as well as the bigger ones he missed out on due to Cav being the go-to rider. The Worlds could be another chance for him also.

Cav is right he rides loads of **** races but add to that a couple of GT's and a few classics he will pick up plenty of points.

I'm guessing Blythe will get a lot of the smaller races that Greipel rode last year. I'm expecting Greipel to get at least 2 GTs this year which will mean less racing in short stage races. If he does Tour+Vuelta which is most likely given prep for Worlds then I think he probably won't do Austria, Poland and Britain for example and I'm guessing he won't be doing Turkey either. He will of course score points in the races he does instead of those but I think he will be up against stiffer opponents all year so the outcome in points will be harder to predict.
ingsve said:
I'm guessing Blythe will get a lot of the smaller races that Greipel rode last year. I'm expecting Greipel to get at least 2 GTs this year which will mean less racing in short stage races. If he does Tour+Vuelta which is most likely given prep for Worlds then I think he probably won't do Austria, Poland and Britain for example and I'm guessing he won't be doing Turkey either. He will of course score points in the races he does instead of those but I think he will be up against stiffer opponents all year so the outcome in points will be harder to predict.

Cav said Tour Vuelta was a poor way to prepare for the worlds. He was too tired afterwards.

Also you think opl will take Greipel to tour? They already have 2 leaders there. A classics rider/tter and a top 10 contender. I suppose Greipel would be a good domestique but it would be stretching the team to bring him for sprints.
The Hitch said:
Cav said Tour Vuelta was a poor way to prepare for the worlds. He was too tired afterwards.

Also you think opl will take Greipel to tour? They already have 2 leaders there. A classics rider/tter and a top 10 contender. I suppose Greipel would be a good domestique but it would be stretching the team to bring him for sprints.

Of course they'll take Greipel to the Tour. That's the whole reason why Greipel left HTC. I'm pretty sure Greipel must have even put it in his contract if he was smart.

As for Tour-Vuelta then Hushovd did the same and he was just fine. The diffrence was that Hushovd deliberately dropped out of the Vuelta so as not to get too tired. I guess Cav wanted the points jersey really bad so he couldn't drop out.
Dec 8, 2010
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This is going to be a good game, I'm sorry I didn't give my team composition more thought. I've played VDS on Podium Café, but I really like how this is based on CQ points. Wider/ more objective.
Parrulo said:
imo the updates should be done mouthly during the season cept on the busy mouths of march and april where it should be done every 2 weeks.

just sayin

I don't do the updates myself. I have no possibility to do so. I just the download a point sheet from CQranking.com which they upload every two weeks or so. Once that's done, I upload a new spreadsheet with the updated points loaded into our team sheet.
Jan 18, 2010
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The Hitch said:
I just lost big time despite no new results.

The news of Geox no Tour. Duarte and Blanco potential for points cut drastically while Menchov, who wouldn’t get that many by focusing only on Tour, now gets to try at 2 gts.


You need to do more research on Wiki, And Google or whatever.
The Hitch said:
I just lost big time despite no new results.

The news of Geox no Tour. Duarte and Blanco potential for points cut drastically while Menchov, who wouldn’t get that many by focusing only on Tour, now gets to try at 2 gts.


I wouldn't be certain that Geox gets to ride 2 gts.

What's more worrying is that Geox might not ride big-scoring races or even implode.
The Hitch said:
That would be even worse. I really hope these guys get to ride for something this season.

I'm totally sure they get invited to the 2 other Tours. Just remember when Astana was excluded from the Tour, the Giro reversed their prior position with a 'oh, well uh, this pro conti team couldn't get their stuff together...', and the Vuelta was a slam dunk. Who wouldn't want Menchov and Sastre with their full energies focused on your GT?

As far as your other guys, yeah their opportunities might be cut.

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