Hi folks,
In early Dec. 2009 I was near the end of a late afternoon road bike ride just after dusk (in New England, USA) when I was involved in a nasty accident with a car. Unfortunately, the insurance companies and the legal system are not meting out JUSTICE in this matter (mainly because I was riding a bike).
Every day we are out on the roads risking life and limb trying to stay healthy, exercise and have a little fun (or commuting to work, etc.) on our bicycles. We try to stay to the right of the road and keep safe from the often indifferent and/or hostile motorists out on the roads with us. I know every cyclist reading this right now knows exactly what I am talking about.
I had both front and rear bike lights turned on and was doing nothing other than riding home in a most standard, legal and normal fashion on my road bike. Unfortunately, a cop had stopped to speak with another cop. One cop was in a police paddy-wagon parked on the shoulder, parallel to the roadway and facing me with headlights on. This was on a typically very quiet residential street with sparse traffic and no streetlights at that spot. I need to ride through the neighborhood on this street to get to my home.
Cop #2 was in a typical police cruiser-sedan and parked herself RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROADWAY, straddling both lanes, put her car in park, and for reasons unknown to this day, turned off all of her lights including headlights, tail-lights, everything. She parked about 4 or 5 feet from the driver side of the police truck, parallel to the roadway and facing the other way, again this was just after dark and she had absolutely no lights lit of any kind (totally illegal behavior for a motor vehicle on a roadway at night).
Because the police car had no lights on, and because of the glare from the police truck headlights facing me, and also because bike lights are pretty weak, I did not see the police car until the last second before I smashed into it's rear and bounced off the rear windshield.
Through some miracle I was not knocked unconscious. I stood up and was looking at the rear end of a totally unlit white sedan parked smack in the middle of the roadway (!?) and I realized that this was a police car! I shouted out, "Hey, you don't have any lights on!" and then I saw tail-lights or possibly brake lights turn on and the cop asked me if I was okay.
Long story short, I have retained an attorney and am trying to get my hometown to admit liability for this accident and pay my damages which total about $10,000 for a totally destroyed high-end road bike, medical bills, and attorney fees, etc. It is only a miracle that I suffered no serious lasting injuries from this. Had the police car been a police SUV with a straight, vertical planed rear-end, I could easily, very easily have snapped my neck and been killed.
Both cops have lied about what happened. Presumably because they don't want a black mark on their records and they know there were no other witnesses. If you know much about cops, you know they lie to cover their asses in various situations, it's almost standard practice, most unfortunately.
The insurance company for the town of the police department has denied liability. They say I was probably keeping my head down for aerodynamics and not looking at the road, which is not true and totally ludicrous for a cyclist riding very cautiously just after dusk.
Guys, I was VERY SHOCKED AND DISAPPOINTED to see how bicyclists are treated by the legal system and insurance companies when these kinds of accidents happen. If you are reading this and a cyclist, at the very least, keep this in mind and be even extra careful on your rides, guys, it is simply outrageous and SHOCKING how we are treated like second class citizens, more like 8th class citizens!
Part of the problem is I don't have a lot of medical bills and dollars in claims for an attorney to "go after" (they prefer cases worth $30,000 and up), and the defendant is a municipality who are harder and more expensive to sue successfully than an individual "Joe Citizen". Had I been riding in a car and hit the cop, I'm sure the insurance claim would have been settled in my favor in less than a week, but since I was riding a bike, the police department didn't even couldn't an accident investigation of any kind!
Dear readers, I have to ask you all, do you know anyone who can help me? If there is no organization in existence to help cyclists defend themselves and litigate successfully in these matters, I think it's time that we establish one.
I will not walk away from this case. This is so totally OUTRAGEOUS and not right. I ask you for any help or suggestions you can provide.
BTW, it should be obvious, this is not a joking matter but rather a very serious matter, please refrain from posting any humorous or silly comments in this thread. Put yourself in my (Sidi) shoes...Thanks.
In early Dec. 2009 I was near the end of a late afternoon road bike ride just after dusk (in New England, USA) when I was involved in a nasty accident with a car. Unfortunately, the insurance companies and the legal system are not meting out JUSTICE in this matter (mainly because I was riding a bike).
Every day we are out on the roads risking life and limb trying to stay healthy, exercise and have a little fun (or commuting to work, etc.) on our bicycles. We try to stay to the right of the road and keep safe from the often indifferent and/or hostile motorists out on the roads with us. I know every cyclist reading this right now knows exactly what I am talking about.
I had both front and rear bike lights turned on and was doing nothing other than riding home in a most standard, legal and normal fashion on my road bike. Unfortunately, a cop had stopped to speak with another cop. One cop was in a police paddy-wagon parked on the shoulder, parallel to the roadway and facing me with headlights on. This was on a typically very quiet residential street with sparse traffic and no streetlights at that spot. I need to ride through the neighborhood on this street to get to my home.
Cop #2 was in a typical police cruiser-sedan and parked herself RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROADWAY, straddling both lanes, put her car in park, and for reasons unknown to this day, turned off all of her lights including headlights, tail-lights, everything. She parked about 4 or 5 feet from the driver side of the police truck, parallel to the roadway and facing the other way, again this was just after dark and she had absolutely no lights lit of any kind (totally illegal behavior for a motor vehicle on a roadway at night).
Because the police car had no lights on, and because of the glare from the police truck headlights facing me, and also because bike lights are pretty weak, I did not see the police car until the last second before I smashed into it's rear and bounced off the rear windshield.
Through some miracle I was not knocked unconscious. I stood up and was looking at the rear end of a totally unlit white sedan parked smack in the middle of the roadway (!?) and I realized that this was a police car! I shouted out, "Hey, you don't have any lights on!" and then I saw tail-lights or possibly brake lights turn on and the cop asked me if I was okay.
Long story short, I have retained an attorney and am trying to get my hometown to admit liability for this accident and pay my damages which total about $10,000 for a totally destroyed high-end road bike, medical bills, and attorney fees, etc. It is only a miracle that I suffered no serious lasting injuries from this. Had the police car been a police SUV with a straight, vertical planed rear-end, I could easily, very easily have snapped my neck and been killed.
Both cops have lied about what happened. Presumably because they don't want a black mark on their records and they know there were no other witnesses. If you know much about cops, you know they lie to cover their asses in various situations, it's almost standard practice, most unfortunately.
The insurance company for the town of the police department has denied liability. They say I was probably keeping my head down for aerodynamics and not looking at the road, which is not true and totally ludicrous for a cyclist riding very cautiously just after dusk.
Guys, I was VERY SHOCKED AND DISAPPOINTED to see how bicyclists are treated by the legal system and insurance companies when these kinds of accidents happen. If you are reading this and a cyclist, at the very least, keep this in mind and be even extra careful on your rides, guys, it is simply outrageous and SHOCKING how we are treated like second class citizens, more like 8th class citizens!
Part of the problem is I don't have a lot of medical bills and dollars in claims for an attorney to "go after" (they prefer cases worth $30,000 and up), and the defendant is a municipality who are harder and more expensive to sue successfully than an individual "Joe Citizen". Had I been riding in a car and hit the cop, I'm sure the insurance claim would have been settled in my favor in less than a week, but since I was riding a bike, the police department didn't even couldn't an accident investigation of any kind!
Dear readers, I have to ask you all, do you know anyone who can help me? If there is no organization in existence to help cyclists defend themselves and litigate successfully in these matters, I think it's time that we establish one.
I will not walk away from this case. This is so totally OUTRAGEOUS and not right. I ask you for any help or suggestions you can provide.
BTW, it should be obvious, this is not a joking matter but rather a very serious matter, please refrain from posting any humorous or silly comments in this thread. Put yourself in my (Sidi) shoes...Thanks.