All past content on races is lost or goes somewhere you can no longer find it. In their (CN's) great wisdom to make the site easier for the writers to find their mark (aka, place to past their new stories) the old links to races goes to a new page for the new race as they're not going to write a new story in the old one so the link is basterdized for only new content, the old is left danging off the cliff somewhere in some file which we can't get to.
I have had to go to Wiki for old race results, the stories are still there on some server which soon will be deleted once the no link to page thinks its rubbish as there is no valid link to it, and poo-f its gone.
They still have a hard time on why we STILL hate the new redesign, loss of information... it all made sense back when Bill was running the show and up until the great redesign that broke everything...
Not that they haven't been told this from day one.
Phhffftttt... they're in the midst of their own demise.