PremierAndrew said:
Terrorists want to scare people. They want people to stop living life how they please and create terror.
Guess they were successful after all
Don't worry. ALL events will be cancelled in couple of years.
Few more millions of merkelcrimmigrants means few more hundreds of merkelterrorists.
In Germany it's already a warzone (but you won't get it from the mainstream media): official statistics - one crimmigrant crime EVERY 3 minutes in 2015 (only those reported, obviously), and in 2016 it went even much worse.
Fortunately, these mugs don't know what cycling is, so as a sport it's relatively safe. But of course, major race like Tour de France is another story - I was in Culoz (finish of Grand Colombier stage) and saw twice groups of policemen desperately running to certain place, apparetnly got some warning (and after 10-15 min they were going slowly back to their places).