Fignon and Lemond are the riders that made me really fall in love with competitive cycling. I always loved simply bicycling but their battles are what made me realize what a great sport cycling is. Fignon's style with the spectacles, ponytail and reserved nature set him apart from the rest of the pro's out there. The fact that it wasn't pretentious but just him, and the fact that he was at the top of the sport made him hard not to admire and enjoy watching him at his craft. How many cyclists did we see in the years during Fignon's career, that emulated him with the spectacles and ponytail? I know I myself would wear my glasses proudly instead of sunglasses on occasion, all with Fignon in mind. After viewing the minimal, by today's standards, but still appreciated Tour footage, my friends and I would go on these epic rides with all of us emulating our heroes. More often than not, mine were Fignon, Delgado, Lemond and Theunisse in that order.
My prayers are with him and his family.
My prayers are with him and his family.