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First real crash

Im a novice only a couple of years in but yesterday I joined the road rash club. I found a corner at 18 mph and some mud found my rear tire. BAM, hip bruised lots of skin missing and helmets ARE cool. Bike in good condition most importantly, gonna need some new handlebar tape........:eek:
Oct 18, 2009
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Shave your legs and grease 'em over with then cooking oil. Or, if you can afford it, the proper stuff, then you'll just slide over the road.:D
Oh and wear mittts.
But who am I telling? i haven't been on a bike for 6 years!

Ellen degeneres are you saying Haussler and Coyot didn't really crash on thursday??
its funny, I boxed for a number of years. It reminded me of getting dropped by a punch. Everything is good and BAM you dont know what happened for a few seconds. It explains the empty looks of riders immediately following a crash.
May 13, 2009
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zealot66 said:
its funny, I boxed for a number of years. It reminded me of getting dropped by a punch. Everything is good and BAM you dont know what happened for a few seconds. It explains the empty looks of riders immediately following a crash.

That is similar to my experience, the times you think you are going to crash you usually hold on and don't(crash). The times you don't know wtf happened and are all of the sudden on the ground...those tend to hurt. Good luck with the recovery.


Ah, that wonderful morning after "**** i cant move" moment :D
Aug 4, 2009
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Welcome to Cycling at least they didnt have to scrape you up off the road with a shovel.
Get well soon.

What I hate most is when the Ambulance paramedic has to cut your new kit off with scisors.


The first shower with fresh road rash is pretty special. :eek:

Scubbing the wounds is also nice.
That's bike riding. All sports have their injuries associated with them, cycling of course is in general quite good for the body and low-impact on the joints. That is until you learn the joys of impacting the pavement at high speeds. :)
Jul 12, 2009
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With my first collarbone break, it was so bad that paramedics could not pump enough morphine to kill the pain. To many broken bones. It felt like a truck was on top of me.

Ususally, one jumps up in denial, hoping nothing is wrong. But then you find out otherwise and have to sit down and wait for transportation.
Jul 7, 2009
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oh boy, I remember my first wreck. cleat failed in a sprint finish. I was out front and took out about 10 people in the process. I can almost feel it just thinking about it

pavement is a mofo
Jul 12, 2009
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Oh yeah! You never forget! Equipment failure is a *****. My second collarbone break was the result of a broken crankarm during sprint intervals.

The crankarm failure occurred at the pedal spindle threaded hole. I checked the broken bits of the crank and found dirt in the beginning point of the crack, and as it propagated over time it finally gave out. There may have been a slight imperfection on the surface of the shoulder that mates to the pedal spindle, and that's where the crack started. I check my crankarms periodically now for this condition.

The sprint was all out on a small berg, and when the crankarm broke I fell on top of the handlebars and was zig zagging trying to correct. For a moment I thought I was going to make it but it wasn't meant to be. In slow motion mind you, I'm thinking ok, I'm falling and I'm going to land on the shoulder that I broke a year ago!

After the fall I jump up in denial. But then needed to sit right back down and wait for transportation.

Check your equipment!
Jun 15, 2010
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congrats and condolences for getting that first one out of the way.

my most memorable was having a black lab jump out of a ditch and wedge himself under my down tube @ 50+kph on a slight downhill.I never even saw him. he was a cool Texas ranch dog and stayed with me til the wagon showed up. just a spooked dog,1 collarbone and torn shoulder muscles..and my new Assos kit to shreds. he was a good dog though. the rest of the day was bbq/vicadin/beers!
I need to do a check of my bike. Im becoming more involved in maintenance as I cant run to the bike shop everytime something is out of tune. Im going to check my cranks because I came down hard on the left one. Its a risk Im willing to take. My wife worries. She never worried when I boxed and kickboxed. Kind of glad right now I have a lower end bike. I think I would have a nervous breakdown if my 5 k bike got all bent up.:D
Jan 4, 2010
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I have had a few wrecks but my first real injury a couple of weeks ago. Didn't break the collarbone but have a type 3 seperated AC joint. Probally having surgery after the july 4 weekend. Have one time trial i am going to do first.
May 6, 2009
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Scott SoCal said:
The first shower with fresh road rash is pretty special. :eek:

Scubbing the wounds is also nice.

A few years ago I did my best Joseba Beloki impersonation, where I flew into a corner at 60km/h, realised it was a sharp corner and braked hard and down I went. The shower I had when I got home, well it stung like hell.

Never broken my collarbone (have never broken a bone), in fact up until last week, I had only crashed once in three years.


buckwheat said:
What about the joy of dumping some hydrogen peroxide in there?:eek:

Yeah, usually by that time I'm pretty delirious... I'm in agony to the point where it just doesn't even matter anymore.

The last bad road rash I had was most of my left butt cheek, left shoulder and back, left ankle and finger tips on both hands. When I crash I seem to get my fingertips... don't know what's up with that.

Oh, being stuck to the sheets in the morning is a nice way to ease into your day too.
Scott SoCal said:
Yeah, usually by that time I'm pretty delirious... I'm in agony to the point where it just doesn't even matter anymore.

The last bad road rash I had was most of my left butt cheek, left shoulder and back, left ankle and finger tips on both hands. When I crash I seem to get my fingertips... don't know what's up with that.

Oh, being stuck to the sheets in the morning is a nice way to ease into your day too.

Yeah, how about getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and looking back to find out that the sheets are coming along.
Jul 29, 2009
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Along with road rash, I managed to jam my thumb under me. Still quite sore several weeks later. The worst part, though, is doubting every single turn and descent. Went from a lion to a lamb in no time at all, and it's been slow building that back up...
Jun 23, 2010
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I know it aint the worst. About 4 mile from home after a 55mile club run, now you might not believe this, but after covering 50 odd miles whats the chances of applying the brakes just to control speed on a downhill and right at that moment a banana skin in my path!! yup I went one way mybike slid across the road. Not hurt just rash. But whats the chances??? What was the chances!! I swear this happened.