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FLandis Racing in Nevada City

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Jun 19, 2009
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joe_papp said:
I'm glad that you find it to be of value. Though I'll be the first to admit that this part of the discussion is trending towards a topic that should be shifted to the clinic, as you seem to realize the doping game within the bike game takes place on a field where there is a significant amount of moral relativism and self-deceit. Trust me, it *seemed* at the time to be perfectly logical and normal to plan to fight the charges against me of doping based on the fact that what the lab supposedly caught me with wasn't something that I'd ever knowingly taken.

Of course, it was only a few months later that my thinking shifted from "They couldn't catch me for using the products I actually used so why shouldn't I try to get out of this?" to "I've been getting away with this for so long that I should give them credit for having caught me with something, even if I really didn't knowingly take it - after all I've been a serial cheat for many years."

And I initally thought he got popped for some residual testosterone in his stocked blood supply but who knows except Floyd. I do continue to believe that the Tour organizers simply could not abide another winner from the Bruyneel Bully program, whether he was on another team or not. Lance being gone emboldened them to reclaim the authority the promoters/UCI had previous monopoly on. The WADA Tour testing deal, while it takes short term heat off of McQuaid; could also help to keep LA's influence in check for the Tour. I know it sounds Byzantine in the motivations but the Tour broadcast revenue is probably in jeopardy if another big scandal happens. ASO would be motivated to see this participation and, weirdly; they may have Floyd to thank for it all.
Jun 21, 2010
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Landis should definately try to shift his focus from traditional road racing. I think the last 4 years of controversy outside the peloton and lack of form within the peloton suggest his time is nearly up. I don't wish him ill, but there must be a better place for his talents and abilities. I'm sure he's learned valuable lessons along the way that will enable him to achieve success in the future.


Aug 17, 2009
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warmfuzzies said:
Landis should definately try to shift his focus from traditional road racing. I think the last 4 years of controversy outside the peloton and lack of form within the peloton suggest his time is nearly up. I don't wish him ill, but there must be a better place for his talents and abilities. I'm sure he's learned valuable lessons along the way that will enable him to achieve success in the future.

Yeah I definetely see a carreer for Floyd in Asbestos removal, figure 8 racing and demolition derbys. If he was doping like he said he was it was probably an inadvertant testastorone usage. Wrong blood bag, wrong patch ,wrong something. Like the surprising blood doping finding fo Vino and Keshetsken. Those 2 musta been surprised. Kinda like some people I know who accidently OD d on heroin. They were so innocent, used to 5% purity and then some maniac gives them 15% heroin. So innocent foul foul!


cody251 said:
I love it... he lies, cheats, steals, blackmails and now amazingly "speaks the truth" and his words (and so far, they are just words) some how have "exposed Armstrong"... classic. Why you hate Armstrong but somehow love FL and want to cheer and celebrate another cheating liar. Hypocrite. :mad:

cody251 said:
I called you a hypocrite, which you admitted and said you didn't care. You called me a moron re: blackmail which you later conceded with additional pressure. How am I starting a boxing match? And how did you "defend yourself well"? You win, I don't want visit the forums, hence the reason I kept off of them for near a year. I know I will be sorely missed by you but I'm sure you can find some other fellow to pretend you owned so you can continue to toot your own vuvzela. :D

I see honesty is not your gig, so I will overlook the other trolling points (I explained all of them with clear and precise narrative previously) in your post and just say that you are right about one thing, you will not be missed.

Oh, and one of those guys I referred to in my post about why I believe Landis was Joe Papp. You know, the guy who you just brown nosed.