In the real world of cycling people don't give a hoot about doping. That is what it is doping. A great tradition of our sport.. In the real world of non fanboys who like to see an American do well in cycling they do not give a hoot either if it is leipheimer zabrinzkie hamilton MY LORD LANCE ARMSTRONG.I have not heard one American badmouth IBAN MAYO PANTINI ULRICH VINO etc People just want to see gladiators on 2 wheels. It is spectacle pure and simple. Same as our sports here baseball and american football. All entertainment. US cyclists could never compete until real coaches like Eddy B. introduced US cyclists to the gear. Leveled the playing field and made it possible for American cyclists to compete against the top European cyclists who wear also on the gear. As far as Papp goes, just another small fish caught up in the burning ring of fire, er drug scandal. Joe is a small fish just let him blog on like the rest of us.
If this post doesn't qualify you as the poster child for head in the sand idiocy, then nothing can.