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Gesink out of the tour ?

Mar 11, 2009
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from rabosport and horribly google translated:

Ulna fracture Gesink

Robert Gesink (picture) is still intact does not come from the Ardenne Leg. (so he's not intact) He in his fall in the run up to the Stockeu a tear in the ulna of his left arm behind. The Rabobank rider goes Tuesday with strong painkillers and a taped arm or leg started in the cobblestones. Team Doctor Dion van Bommel predicted that it will be a painful story. "Moving away is not an option, but we now see every day," said Van Bommel. (we can't give up already, but it'll be a day-by-day situation)

The leader complained about pain after arriving in his left forearm. He was then joined by the team doctor went to the hospital in Maastricht. Since X-ray showed a crack in the ulna to. Gesink last year was the Tour after a crash in the fifth stage left. He was taking a break on the wrist.

So, tomorrow Robben and Gesink, our two men of glass, will ruin the Dutch sports summer ;)
Jun 23, 2010
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Everyone relax....relax.....Fabian Cancellara and Bjarne Riis have said they will wait for Gesink to heal no matter how long it takes and then continue on with leTour. so see y'll in a few weeks!!
Jan 29, 2010
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ak-zaaf said:
from rabosport and horribly google translated:

Ulna fracture Gesink

So, tomorrow Robben and Gesink, our two men of glass, will ruin the Dutch sports summer ;)

I would say that the Dutch Sports summer has been pretty much made already with a semi final birth in the world cup. As much as I like cycling, it's not exactly the only sport out there.


Apr 28, 2010
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Libertine Seguros said:
Vuelta's better suited to him anyway, but still, sucks if he is out. Bobby G brings entertainment.

as is the giro. He really is a really good climber, steep climbs would really suit him wuite well
WinterRider said:
I would say that the Dutch Sports summer has been pretty much made already with a semi final birth in the world cup. As much as I like cycling, it's not exactly the only sport out there.
Not a football fan are you? Otherwise you would have understood ak-zaaf already refers to this semi-final.

And as for Gesink: oh well, I said before the Tour that I'd start getting my hopes up when he got through the first week unscathed. So no disappointment here.
Mar 11, 2009
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WinterRider said:
I would say that the Dutch Sports summer has been pretty much made already with a semi final birth in the world cup. As much as I like cycling, it's not exactly the only sport out there.

If we get beaten by Uruguay that will be a major upset to almost everyone here.

And since I think Robben will be kicked out in 10 minutes and Gesink will DNF tomorrow it will ruin the sport summer.
But hey, what do I know?

/edit: Sorry, I'm just saying that I'm not overly optimistic about our chances against a tough Uruguay and the only way not to get into a national depression after elimination would be Gesink doing (really) well at Le Tour.
This is just blech... Its always something with this guy. I know the crash he was involved in wasn't his fault (he says someone rode into the back of his bike) but this is just stupid. He'll obviously be the most disappointed of everyone.

Still, I hope he can somehow grit through stage 3 and then recover over the next 3 days or so.
Oct 29, 2009
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battery89 said:
I wonder if Canc will make the peloton wait when Gesink falls off on the cobbles?

If they decide to wait, the Tour organisers have rushed out a menu of the different tarmac surfaces from all but the Nordic countries, that are considered for the 2011 Tour, so they can have a communal pow-pow until Gesink catches up, and let the organisers know which surfaces get the general thumbs up. Sprinklers will be on hand to simulate freak occurrences like rain during a road race.

If Gesink takes a bit longer than expected, there will be a bonus quiz with gotcha questions like "how many riders can safely ride side by side on wet Ardennes road" and "how long in advance do we tell you where the road furniture is placed"? The winner will gets a motorized bike signed by FC, as long as they really really promise not to use it during races.

Look, I am all for waiting for GC riders, or those that have deserved to be at the front in a particular stage, if they are set back through no fault of their own (and as long as it doesn't mean also bringing back other contestants that are still fighting for position against those that are forced to wait as a consequence). But once they have caught up, it has to be game on, out of respect for everyone involved. Fellow riders with a stake in a result that stage, spectators, organisers, sponsors, and towns that have paid a small fortune for the privilege to see an actual race arrive in their town.

A 200m oil slick doesn't stretch all the way to Spa. If several people are injured and can't keep up, it is up to their team to keep them as close as possible. Folk crash and get injured. It isn't a new thing. It's seriously bad luck if it happens to you, but you deal with it in the race. It is part and parcel of cycling. And it has been like that for as long as I can remember. I can't see any reason why the crash today was so special that that wouldn't apply.

The TV comment just illustrated that some riders have expectations of "acceptable race conditions" that apparently include HD TV reception in DS cars co they can be told how to handle a race. Pick a different occupation if you are that inept on your own, or tested by "nothing too special" will you?

A lot of comments illustrate just how many skills these Tour riders have lost over the years, and given how much better the pay and general conditions has become for most over that same period, it seems a bit odd.

I get neutralizations when rider's safety is really at risk. Not when their precious team leader's General Classification is at risk. Up until the rejoining the first was probably in play. From that point onwards, it was only the latter. And that's when it became a disgrace.

They have set a standard that will lead to justified outrage by teams that were forced to soft-pedal today and gave up realistic aspiration to make a difference here, but won't get the same courtesy extended when their main man will get into trouble on a wet and slippery patch. A bad bad day for all, knowing that comparable "uncontrollable" crashes will befall other riders during this Tour. What do they do then, hey?

I sure hope Gesink can get through tomorrow. I was so looking forward to seeing him in action, side by side with Menchov. If he goes out because the rest "now" suddenly decides to race, it will just be another bitter pill on top of a pretty bitter one already. I bet tomorrow they will argue that being a bit busted means you are "fair game". If they do, I might just head up a mountain with a vat of oil myself.
Wheels Go Round and Round said:
who crashes more:



Christian Vande Velde?

I don't necessarily think that either Gesink or Vande Velde fall more... I mean today both Schlecks, Armstrong, Contador and others also fell. Its just that it seems that both those guys instantly get a debilitating injury as soon as they even touch the tarmac, and in Gesink's case even when he doesn't :rolleyes:
Jul 25, 2009
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Francois the Postman said:
They have set a standard that will lead to justified outrage by teams that were forced to soft-pedal today and gave up realistic aspiration to make a difference here...... A bad bad day for all, knowing that comparable "uncontrollable" crashes will befall other riders during this Tour. What do they do then, hey?

What's really the new precedent being set here? A race was neutralized because an oil slick from a moto crash affected a tricky descent on a wet road.

Sure it's disappointing that there was no sprint finish contested and neutralizing the entire race seems like a bit of an overreaction. But it was a very unusual situation.
Jun 16, 2009
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There will be some sore bodies. The more sore bodies will lose big because the cobbles exploit out any soreness.

It is a shame that gesink has hurt himself as it does not sound too good. His prologue was quite impressive and I thougght he could podium in paris especially after his awesome performance in tds. Hopefully not too bad. I have become a Bobby G fan!:D
Aug 22, 2009
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Anyone know the seriousness of the injury? I know he is starting today, but broken bones + cobbles do not bode well . Hopefully he can continue on as I was hoping to see what he could at the tour and finish it :(


Apr 28, 2010
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battery89 said:
Anyone know the seriousness of the injury? I know he is starting today, but broken bones + cobbles do not bode well . Hopefully he can continue on as I was hoping to see what he could at the tour and finish it :(

As far as I know it is a hairline fracture, I think that is the best translation, iisn't it guys?